US Born/Based Writer For Hire

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Jan 26, 2010
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Whats up guys, as you are aware Christmas is a mere 51 days, and while my sites are brining in something its not enough.....yet. That being said I am opening myself up to some writing gigs.

My turnaround time will depend but no later than 72 hours after a job has been placed, you will have your article. I strive for quality and would prefer not to rush especially if its a topic that I am not to educated on.

My rate is $.015 per word. So $7.50 for a 500 word article. These articles will be 100% unique, no PLR rewrites, spins etc.

Bulk discounts may be given depending on niche, # of articles etc.

In terms of examples; I have written about 20 articles on textbroker in the past, offer a service on WF, and have done tons of writing for myself. So my suggestion would be send me your first order (only 1 article) I will write it, if you like it, send payment and we can work on the rest.

All clients will be able to contact me via email, PM, and phone.

PM me with any questions, or if you are ready to order.

Thanks Guys

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