Update on Youtube. New Design adn other things.


Facebook Guru
Dec 11, 2012
Russia, Siberia
Hi! You must catch sight of new youtube design. It has new colors and buttons are moved to another places (bottom to the video).

But also changed youtubes ban-method. A lot of youtube videos that were increased by bots systems were suspected at those two weeks. Many businesses swear and ask God and the Google to spare their business.

I have the Youtube Service, my videos weren't suspended, but i can't delivering "likes" right now. I don't now why, but they aren't counting.

Do you have the same problems after Youtubes update?:music06:

Hi! You must catch sight of new youtube design. It has new colors and buttons are moved to another places (bottom to the video).

But also changed youtubes ban-method. A lot of youtube videos that were increased by bots systems were suspected at those two weeks. Many businesses swear and ask God and the Google to spare their business.

I have the Youtube Service, my videos weren't suspended, but i can't delivering "likes" right now. I don't now why, but they aren't counting.

Do you have the same problems after Youtubes update?:music06:

If Sony, Universal Music Group and RCA records were stripped by 2 billion fake views why can't an ordinary user be of any Importance for youtube? If they applied a youtube penguin or something close to that all will be affected.

In one case if you are in the 301 View count on youtube it will be stop counting by 24 hours, i think for reviews or filtering of some kind.
If Sony, Universal Music Group and RCA records were stripped by 2 billion fake views why can't an ordinary user be of any Importance for youtube? If they applied a youtube penguin or something close to that all will be affected.

In one case if you are in the 301 View count on youtube it will be stop counting by 24 hours, i think for reviews or filtering of some kind.

No, i don't provide youtube views, only subs,likes and comments. I have troubles with likes.

Do you mean Gangnam style talking about Universal and RCA?
I haven't noticed any changes in these services for likes and views. I have also heard of the freeze at 301 view but I haven't experienced this myself. I may have just not noticed it since I wasn't always checking every 24 hours. It might always be a cat and mouse game and it may be a matter of time before YouTube catches on and then a new generation of more effective bots come along.
Well in a situation like this, where the barrier to entry has increased, it's time to take advantage of the situation, and increase your pricing once you can bypass their ban methods ;) There is an opportunity in every market. Always be Profiting... :D

Carry on...​
Well in a situation like this, where the barrier to entry has increased, it's time to take advantage of the situation, and increase your pricing once you can bypass their ban methods ;) There is an opportunity in every market. Always be Profiting... :D

Carry on...​

CCarter everywhere, WOW they weren't kidding :thumbsup:
Youtube ís unending development have a fascinating approach for their users and viewers. The live streaming for example is an advantage because what is the need for a TV watching an event if youtube offers only the best?
I haven't noticed any changes in these services for likes and views. I have also heard of the freeze at 301 view but I haven't experienced this myself. I may have just not noticed it since I wasn't always checking every 24 hours. It might always be a cat and mouse game and it may be a matter of time before YouTube catches on and then a new generation of more effective bots come along.

Well in a situation like this, where the barrier to entry has increased, it's time to take advantage of the situation, and increase your pricing once you can bypass their ban methods There is an opportunity in every market. Always be Profiting...
I've not noticed any changes in these types of solutions for wants and viewpoints. I have also been aware of the freeze at 800 view but I've not experienced this myself. Because I was not always checking every 24 hours, I I might have simply not noticed it. It could stay a mouse and cat game before youtube.com catches on and it can be an issue of time and then a new generation of bots that are more effective come along.
Happy working :)