Up and Down Keywords?

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Pasta Eatin Mofo
Dec 1, 2007
I've been running several campaigns where the short tail keywords have all the volume (naturally) and they do convert, but at absolute random. In other words, today it might kill and make a great 200%+ ROI. Tomorrow the same keyword, ad copy, bid, LP will make little or even no conversions. I'm using both the Google Search and Content Networks (sep campaigns).

The offer isn't an email or zip submit. It pays $25-35. I tried switching to other offers and other networks, and they all do the same thing. So its the kw.

On the days that its purely losing money, I want to turn it off. However if I look at the EPC of the keyword on a monthly (instead of daily) basis, its still winning.

Any suggestions on bitchy keywords like this? Do I pause the campaign on shit days? The offer isn't seasonal, so I want to run it long term, which is why I'm not sure if I should ever pause it on bad days. Not to mention its a PITA to have to nurse it.

I've got a few keywords like that. I tried only running them certain hours of the day and certain days of week--but the conversions seemed just as random. I just started viewing the performce stats over a longer period of time - as long as it's working over 2-4 weeks, I just leave it the hell alone.

But it's tough when it's down a few hundred on the day--the temptation to pause the campign gets pretty strong.
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