Unique Website Template PSD/XHTML/CSS

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
North East PA
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I have been working on a template for one of my websites and have decided to go with a different layout. I dont do allot of designing and development for 2nd parties, but I think it would be a waste to let this one rot away in a folder burried within my PC.

I wont set a minimum price on this one, if you like give me what you think would be a fair price.

Heres what you will get, the PSD file obviously.

You will also be able to request different icons and simple content variations. I will change the layout within reason to suite your neads.

Once you give me the word "go" I will have everything sliced up and coded in XHTML and CSS within a day or two.

The 3 upper content areas will be of fixed size, the small, lower, right box can be fixed height or coded to expand, the large lower can be coded into a fixed height with an I-frame, or be coded to expand.

The complete design is unique, all graphics are unique no graphics or code has been scraped, borrowed or bought from any other source!

I do not accept Paypal, but for any trusted regular with outstanding rep on WickedFire I will deliver before expecting payment, though you will have to send me an appropriate e-mail stating that you agree to pay the agreed upon price once the files are delivered.

Link To Screen Shot

Zoomed 1

Zoomed 2

I accept paper payments only, Cashiers Check, Business Check, Money Order.

If you absolutely hate my work and wouldnt pay $0.02 for it, thanks for lookin anyway:D

This offer is unique to WickedFire and has not been placed on any other forum.


Thanks Emp,

Id like to remind everyone that I do relize I designed this layout for a specific purpose and that purpose may not suite anyone elses needs. I will be very flexible on this one, if you want different icons, no problem. If you would like a basic 2 or 3 column layout, no problem I will work with you to adjust the layout to your needs.

Personally I think this layout would work better with most applications if it were a 2 column layout. That can be arranged!

Also, I dont do a whole lot of work for second parties, but I wouldnt mind picking up a job or two if anyone is looking for something different than what I have to offer now.

The following offer only applies to WF members in good standing that are trusted and known in this community! Any trusted WF member in good standing can be assured that you will not pay one red cent for your design untill you are 100% satisfied it.

I will only be able to take on a max of two jobs at this point in time. If interested shoot me a PM.

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