Unique High Quality,LSI-Keyword Rich Article Writing/$4.99 articles / Fast turn

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Article Writer
May 3, 2010
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High Quality Unique Articles For As Low as $4.99 Each!

My name is Chaz Foxx. If you need articles written, here are a few things you should know :

* All work is original, and will pass all copy scape tests
* All articles are (1% – 3%) keyword rich with your keywords and Latent Semantic Indexed (L. S. I)
* Quick turnaround times

Can provide content for any type of niche. However in order to provide a great deal of quality and uniqueness, a great deal of time and effort is put into research.

Single Articles
300 word................ $5.95

400 word................ $8.95

500 word................ $11.95

*600-1500+ words please contact me or pm me

5 Article Pack-Same Niche
300 word................ $24.95 ( as low as $4.99 each)

400 word................ $39.95

500 word................ $52.95

*(Please feel free to contact me or pm me if you are interested in a different number of articles or different word length)

Turnaround Time
Single article within 2-7 days.

Article packs within 3-7 days.

My other services include:

Press releases..................................$24.95,

(2500-3000 words)............................$123.95

(3000-5000 words)............................$169.95

Blog posts...................................... ($1.50 per 100words)

Please Provide the Following
Interested please e-mail me @ chazcreative@gmail.com or pm me with the following criteria:

Your E-mail Address:
Type of service selected (i.e 300 word Article, Press release)
Targeted Keywords:
Desired title or I will create one for you:
Any additional information you wish to submit:

Payments to be made via PayPal

**3 Free Reviews to Reputed Members of the Forum**

Everything sounds good, your prices are however a little bit pricey for what the market dictates. Can you guys us a little bit history about yourself? I would only be willing to pay those prices to an educated writer that spends ample time doing research and has existing article SEO experience.
I'll buy a 300 word, if you throw in a 300 word review copy.

Let me know by PM ASAP. Thanks.

Not a problem.

Our writers are some of the best. With more than 50 years of combined experience.
We have extensive writing experience
that include print journalism, writing hard copies of a books that are with publishers, having multiple master degrees, taken dozens of theory classes etc..

The list goes on and on.

We are experienced article writers, re-writers and academic writers with excellent English grammar and writing skills. And provide high quality articles that are 100% unique, error free grammatically and plagiarism free via copyscape.

But don't take our word for it.
We want you to be satisfied in knowing that you got more value than what you paid for. So take us up on a review copy and see for yourself.

And thats why were offering review copies to reputed members here. Because our word means nothing. But yours speaks VOLUMES
On second thought, forget it. I'm in a rush and I don't have time for bullshit. Thanks and good luck.
First Let me start off by acknowledging the spam on this thread by guerilla

I don't understand how you give someone less than 15mins to reply to a post
when they have other clients to address and other orders to fulfill. Not to
mention the ones that have actually took the time to write a pm.

But honestly only an animal, better yet a GUERILLA would act like that.
Hence the name


Lets get the Ball Rolling, there are still 2 more review slots open for reputable WF members.

Please reply or pm me
First Let me start off by acknowledging the spam on this thread by guerilla

I don't understand how you give someone less than 15mins to reply to a post
when they have other clients to address and other orders to fulfill. Not to
mention the ones that have actually took the time to write a pm.

But honestly only an animal, better yet a GUERILLA would act like that.
Hence the name


Lets get the Ball Rolling, there are still 2 more review slots open for reputable WF members.

Please reply or pm me

Gorilla = Animal

Guerilla = Stealth fighter who will tear you to shreds

He asked you a simple question and you responded with 10+ lines of sales bullshit -- yet you were too busy to give a simple yes/no reply?

A few quick tips for you -- clean up your poorly written sales copy in this thread, look up the definition of "spam", and avoid picking fights with senior members on here until you have a modicum of a clue of how WF works.
Gorilla = Animal

Guerilla = Stealth fighter who will tear you to shreds

He asked you a simple question and you responded with 10+ lines of sales bullshit -- yet you were too busy to give a simple yes/no reply?

A few quick tips for you -- clean up your poorly written sales copy in this thread, look up the definition of "spam", and avoid picking fights with senior members on here until you have a modicum of a clue of how WF works.

Gorilla = Animal :costumed-smiley-015 Yes your right

Guerilla = Stealth fighter.......:nopenope: NO your wrong
last time I checked a stealth fighter was a Billion dollar plane bud.

As far as "looking up definitions" why don't you do yourself a favor and you
open up dictionary. Because you were definitely wrong about what you thought a guerilla was.

Now I pmed guerilla way before I posted "the pm sent". However its like he never even read it.

Additionally that post you want to call poor copy wasn't in response to guerilla. All I was saying their. Was give us a chance to write you a FREE fucking sample so you can review.

And it was in response Emthree where they wrote:

Everything sounds good, your prices are however a little bit pricey for what the market dictates. Can you guys us a little bit history about yourself? I would only be willing to pay those prices to an educated writer that spends ample time doing research and has existing article SEO experience.

Now I don't know why you are, but you need to get of my back. Why your on my thread, sticking up for another member. I don't know, nor do I care. We're all big boy's here. So there's no reason for you to come after me like your their mother.

This forum strikes me as the type of hardcore forum, that you have to hold your own.

I mean exclusivewriters you offer services. If a member the forum senior or not came ranting raving for no real reason , would you allow it?

No. I dont see how any member would stand it.

I'm just getting started here with WF and you think anybody bit interested in my services wants to see that. It turns customers off. And for what because I couldn't answer them in 5 mins or less.

I mean let's be real, like others like me im on multiple forums at a time and I'm working.

So the next time you want to act like you know everything. Get THE FUCKING FACTS 1st... :p
Guerrilla warfare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Furthermore, each post made by you in this thread is replete with errors of both grammar and syntax. I think you've provided plenty of insight already into your -- or, i'm sorry, your team's (bolstered by "dozens of theory classes") -- writing abilities.

If no orders should come to you from WF, at least you were able to learn what a guerilla is.
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Reactions: guerilla
I'm pretty fired up this morning, so I will respond to this.

1. I am the customer, so I am always right. Always.

2. I had this work sourced, delivered and paid for within 3 hours after leaving this thread. At the rate the nonsense post and useless PM had gone, it probably would have taken a day or 2 to get 2 x 300 word articles turned around. When I say ASAP, that means AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, not after you write a bunch of horribly formatted and barely comprehensible marketing copy (if it could be called that).

3. The PM was a problem too. You told me to take the review first, then get the second article. Look, if you aren't confident you can deliver a good enough review to get the second article, then don't even offer reviews. You are wasting everyone's time. Also, I was on the clock, ASAP, remember? I don't have time to piss around. Either you can do the job quickly, or not.

4. Coming back at me was a huge mistake. It's not because you went at me in particular (I'm not special), but it demonstrated to every subsequent customer that you're not going to take responsibility for fucking up. And you did fuck up. Twice.

The smart move would have been,

Sorry we couldn't work together Guerilla, please keep me in mind for future projects. I'm sure we can work something out.

Ok, so who wants the last two review copies?
This is a competitive game. I happily paid 3 times what I would have paid you, but I got the job done in time. That's because what I needed was fast service, not someone who wanted to tell me all about how much they value service, while ignoring my needs.

Hopefully you can learn from this. You won't be able to compete with the dozens of content providers here unless you get better. WF is not other forums. The shenanigans that fly elsewhere won't fly here.
Guerrilla warfare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Furthermore, each post made by you in this thread is replete with errors of both grammar and syntax. I think you've provided plenty of insight already into your -- or, i'm sorry, your team's (bolstered by "dozens of theory classes") -- writing abilities.

If no orders should come to you from WF, at least you were able to learn what a guerilla is.

You seemed a bit confused. Yet you give a link to wikipedia for Guerrilla warfare.

I actually have more than one order from WF already.
But your right again, there are errors and it's done on purpose, knowing the Clown in you would state that in response. So good for you, you passed. You went from ass :nopenope: to clown :Yahoo_29: in 5mins flat.

However here's a tip for you. Click on that resource you provided and read it yourself Clown.
And please do us all a favor and don't post anymore.
I'm pretty fired up this morning, so I will respond to this.

1. I am the customer, so I am always right. Always.

2. I had this work sourced, delivered and paid for within 3 hours after leaving this thread. At the rate the nonsense post and useless PM had gone, it probably would have taken a day or 2 to get 2 x 300 word articles turned around. When I say ASAP, that means AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, not after you write a bunch of horribly formatted and barely comprehensible marketing copy (if it could be called that).

3. The PM was a problem too. You told me to take the review first, then get the second article. Look, if you aren't confident you can deliver a good enough review to get the second article, then don't even offer reviews. You are wasting everyone's time. Also, I was on the clock, ASAP, remember? I don't have time to piss around. Either you can do the job quickly, or not.

4. Coming back at me was a huge mistake. It's not because you went at me in particular (I'm not special), but it demonstrated to every subsequent customer that you're not going to take responsibility for fucking up. And you did fuck up. Twice.

The smart move would have been,

This is a competitive game. I happily paid 3 times what I would have paid you, but I got the job done in time. That's because what I needed was fast service, not someone who wanted to tell me all about how much they value service, while ignoring my needs.

Hopefully you can learn from this. You won't be able to compete with the dozens of content providers here unless you get better. WF is not other forums. The shenanigans that fly elsewhere won't fly here.

I agree 100% now that you brought it up. Lesson learned.
I'm just getting started here with WF and you think anybody bit interested in my services wants to see that. It turns customers off. And for what because I couldn't answer them in 5 mins or less.
It took you 21 minutes to send a PM.

You did however write a nonsense and BS post after 10 minutes. Which turned me off, so I walked.

You're continuing to destroy your thread and any chance of doing business on WF by carrying on like this.
It took you 21 minutes to send a PM.

You did however write a nonsense and BS post after 10 minutes. Which turned me off, so I walked.

You're continuing to destroy your thread and any chance of doing business on WF by carrying on like this.

Your rite. I still have clients and myself who I'm representing. I could pm to these members:

I apologize to both guerilla, exclusivewriters and WF. There was a time where I lost a sense of purpose of why I'm here. And that's not to carry on as I was previously .

So Moving on......
You did however write a nonsense and BS post after 10 minutes. Which turned me off, so I walked.

He was replying to the guy before you first, fuck.

On second thought, forget it. I'm in a rush and I don't have time for bullshit. Thanks and good luck.

Shit give the guy more than 20 mins to reply, your not a fucken god. SHIT.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtKT0lwHNKo"]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
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