Understanding PPC Affiliate Marketing


New member
Apr 15, 2010
Quick Intro: A few days, saw a thread on a semi-popular board wondering if it was actually possible to make money online. One response linked WickedFire, mentioned SEO and PPC, and said that after 3-4 months of research, it wouldn't be unusual to make $100/day using the techniques that you've learned.

I'm a very skeptical person, but from a little bit of lurking, this seems like a pretty legitimate and helpful community. Like I said, I've only done a small amount of lurking, but it has been hard to understand a lot of what is being discussed. Even some of the most basic topics seem to assume that the reader has an elementary understanding of what is being discussed...which I'm not sure I do unfortunately. I think I have an idea on how PPC affiliate marketing works, but I would greatly appreciate any clarification or confirmation. Any answers to questions would be appreciated as well. :)

I apologize if any of this sounds redundant. Basically, at the simplest level, when doing PPC affiliate marketing, you are taking on the marketing costs and risks of a certain business. When bringing in a customer, whether having them fill out a form, or having them actually purchasing something, you in turn receive a commission from said business. The goal of course being that you receive more from commissions than you spend on advertising.

In PPC marketing, you go about advertising by purchasing adverts, usually on popular search engines, that cost you a certain amount of money whenever someone clicks them. Here I have a few questions. Do PPC adverts cost any initial money to purchase, or do you only pay when someone clicks? Additionally, do you "link" your advert to a certain keyword when purchasing space (as in, my advert will only show up when my linked keyword is entered)? After clicking your advert, a person will be directed towards a page to enter their information or purchase a product. Is this page usually provided by the business or do you usually make one?

I have a lot more trains of thoughts and questions but just wanted to make sure I had the basic idea down. Thanks for your time and consideration.


Quick Intro: A few days, saw a thread on a semi-popular board wondering if it was actually possible to make money online. One response linked WickedFire, mentioned SEO and PPC, and said that after 3-4 months of research, it wouldn't be unusual to make $100/day using the techniques that you've learned.

I'm a very skeptical person, but from a little bit of lurking, this seems like a pretty legitimate and helpful community. Like I said, I've only done a small amount of lurking, but it has been hard to understand a lot of what is being discussed. Even some of the most basic topics seem to assume that the reader has an elementary understanding of what is being discussed...which I'm not sure I do unfortunately. I think I have an idea on how PPC affiliate marketing works, but I would greatly appreciate any clarification or confirmation. Any answers to questions would be appreciated as well. :)

I apologize if any of this sounds redundant. Basically, at the simplest level, when doing PPC affiliate marketing, you are taking on the marketing costs and risks of a certain business. When bringing in a customer, whether having them fill out a form, or having them actually purchasing something, you in turn receive a commission from said business. The goal of course being that you receive more from commissions than you spend on advertising.

In PPC marketing, you go about advertising by purchasing adverts, usually on popular search engines, that cost you a certain amount of money whenever someone clicks them. Here I have a few questions. Do PPC adverts cost any initial money to purchase, or do you only pay when someone clicks? Additionally, do you "link" your advert to a certain keyword when purchasing space (as in, my advert will only show up when my linked keyword is entered)? After clicking your advert, a person will be directed towards a page to enter their information or purchase a product. Is this page usually provided by the business or do you usually make one?

I have a lot more trains of thoughts and questions but just wanted to make sure I had the basic idea down. Thanks for your time and consideration.


Too lazy to read most of it - but I see that you've put SOME effort into finding out what PPC is.

Go here: nickycakes.com

Click on Newbie Guide. Then go do it. Don't even think about it - only real research you need to do is look at your stats and go "now why did that happen".

^ True story.