Uncover $$$ Market Info with Little Known Search Strings


Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
...ok excuse me for testing ctr's on some of the titles but the below I've found VERY insightful for find all sorts of data one would normally pay A LOT for if purchased outright nonetheless............

(WARNING: geek alert here if you find this stuff fun like me, lol)

Just a small list - use your brain or the wonderwheel to find more:

NB:....:p is actually ":"+"p"...no spaces

filetype:pdf U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (Home Page)

filetype:pdf gartnergroup.com

filetype:pdf exotic interest rate options wikipedia.org

or more generally......filetype:pdf [keyword] wikipedia.org

filetype:pdf mckinsey.com (all sorts of demo studies,customer/client research, etc)

filetype:pdf alexa.com

filetype:xls hbs.edu

filetype:swf amazon.com

filetype:pdf wharton.upenn.edu

filetype:pdf hbs.edu

filetype:pdf comscore.com

(if your mouth doesn't salivate with these you don't have a capitalist bone in your body,lol)

BTW, title consisted of:
(High CTR Verb) +(Emotional Non Alphabet Emotional Trigger) + (Curiosity Emotional Trigger Phrase)

if you want to find some kick ass words that convert, check out the advertisers who bid on some of these specialized search strings...even better, use some of them in your post title/h1 tags....(text the same size of the background is so 2000 isnt it, lol)
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