Unbelievable Directory Submission Software!1

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Oct 26, 2006
Brad Callen has done it again! He's bringing out directory submitter software! It has unbelievable features like it can fill out the forms (not categories) automatically and... it has a list of over 1800 directories in the program!

Can you believe it? This is so unbelievable cool!! I don't know how Brad gets these unbelievable original and never-done-before ideas!!

Check out Brad's great and informative video at Brad Callen Is A Fag He'll show you how he can do 3 directory submissions in 2 minutes! And remember guys, it's all white hat and done manually so there's no real danger you'll end up getting good links.. no wait, I mean there's no danger you'll end up banned from Google because you got too many links in short period of time... no wait.. I mean that you'll get loads and loads of backlinks that Google is really hungry for!

Go on and drop them a comment at their website! But remember to write it in "Oh my god Brad! You are such a god and this is the best software ever!!!1" manner because else you won't be published..

Can someone just run the Callen family over with a truck already?? I'm so sick of hearing about their "new" and "amazing" programs that they come out with. I'll admit though, they do a good job at selling it, because I've heard they usually sell 100,000+ units of each of their new software titles, so they must be banking from it. But their shit is usually copied from others, or lots of programs mashed into one big one, and slow as shit. Nothing unique about any of their crap. But hey, they went the software route of the ebook community instead.

From now on don't link directly to any of this spammy shit. No sense in giving them link pop credit for their garbage, or at least change the anchor link text like I did for you. It's much more suiting.
I love how these guys always add the word "Gold" to the end of their products. "

"OMG 'Directory Submitter Gold' I'm sure that's wayyyyy better than the silver or bronze version!"
Brad Fucking Callen Strikes Again!

Now he comes up with unbelievable cool Article Submitter!! I can't believe he could innovative something like this! Wasn't it already in his previous program SEO Elite? Oops, sorry, did I just said that out loud? Everybody go to Brad's "Anal Gay Sex" site and thank him for his innovative products.

Don't forget, there's third program coming out in June!! I have a feeling it might be something really, really earth shattering. Like Google URL scraper or even better.. it could be Product Name Generator that could give you like these über cool names like Definitive Product Name Generator Elite or Brad Callen's Google Scraper Gold.
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