Ultracart and Paypal subscriptions Integration?


New member
Nov 26, 2009
San Diego
I am trying to use ultracart to send a recurring billing payment over to paypal but the problem I am running into is UC wont store the CVV and paypal requires that to process a rebill.

So I am told that in paypal you can add a subscription profile automatically and it will process the rebills themselves but I cant seem to get ultracart to integrate in a way that will put a subscription through.

Has anyone else run into this issue? Any input would be appreciated!

don't forget; paypal treats this is a subscription, it's not a rebill -- in 'our' traditional sense. also... unlike contemporary rebills, a paypal sub can be terminated without requiring your consent, within 3 mouseclicks at the consumer's own discretion. finally, unlike affiliate programs where the advertiser is [hopefully!] also their own merchant, in this case you are definitely not the merchant- paypal is. so unlike 'shady rebill companies' this means when people decide to CHARGEBACK, there is no one slowing them down and paypal won't hesitate even a second to give them their cash back and deliver you with debt balance.

on topic; your cart might be missing proper parameters when pushing their API? i know with zencart it's a very small adjustment...
don't forget; paypal treats this is a subscription, it's not a rebill -- in 'our' traditional sense. also... unlike contemporary rebills, a paypal sub can be terminated without requiring your consent, within 3 mouseclicks at the consumer's own discretion. finally, unlike affiliate programs where the advertiser is [hopefully!] also their own merchant, in this case you are definitely not the merchant- paypal is. so unlike 'shady rebill companies' this means when people decide to CHARGEBACK, there is no one slowing them down and paypal won't hesitate even a second to give them their cash back and deliver you with debt balance.

on topic; your cart might be missing proper parameters when pushing their API? i know with zencart it's a very small adjustment...

I was also considering Zencart... I will look into it I just couldnt help trying UC cause its so simple!

As far as the subs I am under the impression that using PP payments pro it is not a sub but an actual rebill profile.

As far as chargebacks go I think if you have a shady rebil and poor customer service your fucked no matter what solution your using.

Thanks for the input, though, I will check out zen.
The deaf leading the blind...

evelynds: I'm not sure you truly understand what chargebacks are. They don't require anyone's consent but the issuing bank's.

n3tprofit: There's a reason Paypal doesn't store the CVV. Something about PCI Compliance, whatever that means.
n3tprofit: There's a reason Paypal doesn't store the CVV. Something about PCI Compliance, whatever that means.

Its not so much about them storing the CVV, its about them requiring it for every transaction. The processor can choose whether or not to require the CVV for a transaction, once you enter a subscription into paypal you do not need the CVV anymore. How else do you think they do this?

The problem lies in the fact that ultracart cannot connect (to my knowledge hence the reason I ask this) to paypal to create new subscription profiles WITHIN paypal. You can set these up in Ultracart but in 15 days when the card is to be charged UC has to send the transaction again to paypal but theres no CVV in UC anymore (because of pci compliance.)
Yeah I meant to say UC, not Paypal.

As far as I remember Paypal definitely lets you set up subscriptions using their API, you'll just have to bug the shit out of UC to get it added.
evelynds: I'm not sure you truly understand what chargebacks are. They don't require anyone's consent but the issuing bank's.
a paypal sub can be terminated without requiring your consent,

anyway if @op wants to run rebills through paypal GO RIGHT AHEAD ^^!
So you're saying I can avoid chargeback by simple not giving my consent? Awesome.
being your own merchant allows you to stall/stretch/embezzle an additional few % into perpetuity. sometimes well over 40%.

processing through paypal [esp. paypal, of all choices?!] ... your intelligence comes after everything was said and done between the consumer's issuer and paypal itself. only time you're informed is when logging into your account with a screen full of warnings and/or negative balance.

why do you alledge higher knowledge on this subject anyway? i'm not your random noob bro :)
I am your random noob bro, I like to make shit up as I go.

Still trying to figure out what you are on about. So not only does the customer require your consent to dispute the transaction, you get to stall the whole process in almost half of the cases as well?

Unless of course you are talking about addressing the chargeback with the cardholder's issuing bank, in which case you got well defined guidelines that unfortunately don't mention anything about requiring evelyns blessing. And in both cases unless the customer contacts you (which most of them do), your involvement starts only after the fact. But please, do tell me more.
Still trying to figure out what you are on about.


Unless of course you are talking about addressing the chargeback with the cardholder's issuing bank, in which case you got well defined guidelines
although a good % of requests can be delayed perpetually using the right bureaucracy. third time i reiterate this. are you even a licensed merchant...?

anyway, i'm out of this.
I was also considering Zencart... I will look into it I just couldnt help trying UC cause its so simple!

As far as the subs I am under the impression that using PP payments pro it is not a sub but an actual rebill profile.

As far as chargebacks go I think if you have a shady rebil and poor customer service your fucked no matter what solution your using.

Thanks for the input, though, I will check out zen.

Ya know , that's what I thought too , till one day I found out that paypal decided I was "High Risk" for running anything with a subscription and cut me off. Thankfully I had a merch account to switch to , but never the less it cost me money.

Screw paypal

As for UC , I use amember instead, and it works quite well for me.