UK Appretice winner

Yeah took 4 years for me to post. Only joined 6 months after you :)

Yeah well don't get too excited there buddy... he didn't mean it in a good way. No backstory, no video, no links... and most importantly, no tits. Worst first post I've seen in a long time. I see a dark future for you on this forum.
Why thank you. Only bit of shit TV I watch & now I understand why people get upset with spoilers on social media :) haha. Hadn't realised it was ending today, although the title should have given it away..

Have to say, he came across well right from the very start & seems like a decent bloke. Fair play to him!
Although I was rooting for him, a lot of editing is done to ensure it seem like a fair race. Body-language wise it did seem like a done deal by the time the boardroom came around, but I digress... Of course Sugar isn't an idiot. He's only going to take a punt on a sure thing. As far as Mark setting himself apart from the competition goes: Dat marketing off the bat.

As far as Bianca's business goes: Dat demographic. Maximum 3%~ population... And (most WF comment eveeer) but they're hardly the 'luxury' market generally speaking, SKUs aside..
Yeah well don't get too excited there buddy... he didn't mean it in a good way. No backstory, no video, no links... and most importantly, no tits. Worst first post I've seen in a long time. I see a dark future for you on this forum.

Sorry no tits.

I'll provide a bit more too it, although, I only watched the final and was gobsmacked when he won.

Basically this Mark Wright, is an Australian that lives in London, worked at Reach Local. He's a salesman. Thinks he can do SEO.

The domain for his business name has gone, Nice enough name but when you don't have the domain then you are going to be losing out on type in traffic.

He should have had a different domain up now to get all the links from the PR he's generated.

I can't see why he needs £250k to start an seo business. Dumb move as he's going to have to give Sugar half his profit now.

I reckon its got fail written all over it. How saturated is client SEO? Nothing new at all and he's average at best.
Was just about to start a thread on this. I told myself I wouldn't watch it this year but got sucked in and paid more interest when I found out what the Aussie guy was trying to set up.

So The Apprentice has always been an entertainment show at best, but this years season has revealed itself for the piece of staged-reality that it always has been.

Some of you may recall that originally the prize on the line was a job to work with Sir Alan himself (Bullshit...), but a few years back they switched it up to make it more Entrepreneurial. You would no longer be working in one of Amstrad's but in a a new joint-venture.

This meant that candidates who applied would have to come with a business model. And thus candidates week to week performance essentially became meaningless.

So the charade is played out, and the editing team does a fine job making it look like certain people who were sacked for certain mistakes, but in reality they were sacked because Mr Sugar didn't fancy taking a punt on the business model.

When a parent company invests in another company, or seeks to create a new business they look for a well-worn concept known as strategic fit.

Strategic fit is the supposed business justification but in reality loose concepts such as cultural distance are much more revealing.

To put this into context, there are 15-20 candidates at the start, and automatically I'd say 75% are ruled out as a) Alan can't relate to them, b) the businesses don't really fit within the wider portfolio.

Therefore the first 8 or so weeks is all foreplay before the only suitable candidates are allowed to mount Sugar mountain.

Even then, the idea of competition at the end is exaggerated as the decision has already been made.

The candidates have been scrutinised and vetted by Al's top men (Not Nick and Karen) already with the information passed on.

The fact that a Women who happens to be black has presented a credible business plan is the producer's wet dream. (Next season they're trying to find a disabled Entrepreneur to take part...)

But of course, Alan was never going to get into a cut-throat stockings market, was he?

No he wanted something a bit tech-savy and risky: Concepts which are entirely context dependent.

Setting up an SEO Firm with £250,000 grand and all the publicity in the world...not risky.

In Alan's own words, "It gets you up in the pecking order" of Google. Welcome to about 10 years ago, mate.

Two years before this?

£250,000 grand to set up a RECRUITMENT business. Another business model that is literally being done to death.

Starting to see a pattern here?

Yup, The Apprentice is about proving that with lots of resource you can muscle into soon-to-be saturated markets, courtesy of the Great Lord Sugar.

As for the guy's brand, it was shit. What makes it worse is that there is no way it was invented in 2 days or however they tried to suggest in the show.

The domain registered BTW has a hyphen in it IRC.

Fair play to the bloke though as he's basically made it, and is in an enviable position.
Agreed with previous posts.

It's so fucking obvious that it's staged that I really can't understand how some people get excited and all emotional when their "favourite candidate" goes through.

The kind of "mistakes" those candidates make during the show is just retarded, considering most come with 10 master's degrees in numerous subjects and the work experience Bill Gates can be jealous of.