UK affiliates - wire payment question

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New member
Sep 24, 2007
Have been put on weekly wires recently but havent been payed yet due to various fuck-ups at the network's end. Apparently they have finally sent the payment but it hasnt arrived yet.

I was just wondering how long it typically takes for the money to arrive in your bank account after they've sent payment as I'm in quite a tight spot cashflow wise.


Wires for me usually take a couple hours to show up in my account after they send them.
Are you talking about a wire from a foreign bank to a UK one? I might be a bit out but I think it's about 5 working days for a standard transfer or you might be able to get a 24hour or 2 day one for a higher fee - that might depend on country and bank.

I'm sure the exact info is out there somewhere.

If it is from UK bank account to UK bank account it's normally immediate if they are with the same bank and "up to" 7 working days (I think) when the banks differ, but they usually clear within 2 or 3 days (a bit like cheques).
I'm referring to a US affiliate network (Neverblue) sending me a wire to a UK account.

Payment method was "R-Swift" apparently, whatever that means...
they have two types (i'm uk) one is the standard one which takes 3-4 working days to clear the other is express (thanx advaliant) that arrives for me the next working day - cost for the express is $20, for the standard one i have no idea.

hope that helps,
Thanks guys. Good to know nothing dodgy is going on. Looks like i'll just have to wait a little while longer. Maybe will get a payday loan to keep me going in the mean time...
It can be tricky to get it right here's what I've found is the magic formula for the pieces we need to do int'l wires. I imagine this is going to be the same with most places.

Account Name
Account Number
Bank Name
Bank Address
Swift Code
Correspondent U.S. Bank routing number

With those 6 items we can send anyone a wire easily. If I was a foreign affiliate I'd have a spreadsheet or doc with that data that you can just send to any network. Then you should be golden.
Thanks Smaxor. Problems sorted now, came through yesterday to my great relief so can start campaigns again. Hope I don't lose too much volume with the pause...
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