UFO Documentary - SIRIUS (Clusterfuck!)


Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
I'm witnessing one of the most amusing breakdowns of retardation I've seen first hand in a really long time.

So, this documentary looked interesting, I pre-ordered it because I'm a lazy guy and I don't like DVD's. The stream is a lil on the high side for a rental, but wtvr, like I said, I'm lazy and I want to watch it now and not later. So its all set to launch on April 22nd at I dunno, like say 7pm or 8pm PST. Great, I don't plan on being on time anyway.

Right away there were issues. Just small lil things that make me and probably any of you since we're aff marketing industry professionals wary about things that most others wouldn't notice.

First off, the lack of one single source to watch this fucking thing. It just doesn't exist. All of these scientists and rocket scientists can come up with all sorts of creative as hell ways to invent and innovate alleged unlimited-propulsion energy systems, but they can't, for the life of themselves figure out that in order to keep your product launch from going to absolute shit, that MAYBE it would make sense to keep it all in one place. At least the film side of this project.

The company handling all of this looks interesting, but in reality, their execution is an absolute clusterfuck in the most irritating sense. ZERO links to anything after you pay. In fact, when you pay, you are also joining their piece of shit affiliate program. Here is the link they sent to me if I want to be paid for distributing the film to others... And I'll also include the wonderful text too.. (fucking imbeciles)...

Love our service?
Love this film?

Spread the word.

Earn a commission by referring your friends and connections!

The link below is your PERSONAL link. Copy it. Paste it into an e-mail. Send it along to ANYONE else you think would like to sell Yekra films on their websites, Facebook pages, or anywhere! Everyone who clicks this link will be enrolled under you, and you will earn money on all their sales!


What the fuck?? How would I love this film if I was pre-ordering it and it wasn't even due out yet??

Even so, there's no link to login to your account. I actually had to check Google for the first time in a looooong time to figure out how to navigate around this stupid fucking site. And that's the AFFILIATE portion...

So I figured whatever, I'm not spamming this shit to anyone with my oh so secret super personal sell out a friend deal here. Not to mention, from the looks of things, all of the civilian people that paid for the screening and went through the same confusing road that I did must be going out of their minds right about now.

To make a really long and somewhat amusing story short...

The company that couldn't figure out how to link things properly, and actually specializes in streaming videos securely, and is calling itself some kind of indie film distribution company, has just FUCKED UP BEYOND ALL BELIEF.

And how did these clever fucks fuck it all up?

They forgot to send emails with login/pw to people as promised. But even funnier and more pathetic... their servers are not handling this load very well.

Not to mention they stopped with support responding on Facebook altogether now.

Now imagine having thousands of completely batshit crazy stoners and star kiddies from every corner of the globe, that have paid $10 for a 72 hour screening of some documentary that made some really bold claims... not get to see anything except "INVALID CONTENT SPECIFIED" after they may figure out on their own how to access it without the links that weren't provided anyway.

The responses/comments on their FB page alone make me feel like I got my $10 worth it without seeing the documentary anyway.

One guy is claiming that the site won't work because the government is censoring these poor scientists... lololololol

Another is doing some kind of weird prayer gimmick saying ONLY HE can see the movie playing, and that he really hopes this will FREE ALL OF HUMANITY... WTF??? lololol... its a movie for fuck's sake.. free humanity?? Are you fucking crazy??

Others apparently tried to make a whole movie night out of this launch and since nothing played for them, they are blaming a ruined evening and claiming the whole thing is one big hoax anyway.

Sucks for the documentary creators.. Because this may just be the most brilliantly evil way to make major cash.. Promise all of the Alex Jones followers and their drunk and drugged up neighbors that you will show them the truth of how aliens come here and that they can solve all of the mysteries in the universe... Charge them $10 or more to watch it before everyone else... AND THEN LEAVE THEM HANGING!!!


Here's the FB page: https://www.facebook.com/SiriusTheMovie

This is the documentary link (one of them) -- allegedly: Sirius: Sirius Technology & Research Presents A Neverending Light Production In Association with Bayview Fil presented by Yekra

Aaaaand this is the company that specializes in film distribution but needs to re-up their HostGator account for more bandwidth... YEKRA

Oh yeah.. and apparently, from the press they got.. They did some weird promo thing with people in Greece and dedicated shit to them.. Then proclaimed for a while they would be screening it for free.. FOR GREECE... And I guess reality hit them about the production costs and whatnot, so they forgot to tell them it would cost money. Hence the incredible amount of people blaming them for every word problem now... on their own FB page.

Oh man, this is pure comedy.

...Even if this thing does pass DNA tests to show it's not a human fetus or something related to us, why the need to bring in interstellar-crossing beings to explain it?

A small race of humanoids could have evolved here, perhaps out of a small dinosaur race, and died out in south america millennia ago... Far more likely than some beings so smart they could master FTL travel leaving their corpses behind & well protected from the elements for us to find.
The responses/comments on their FB page alone make me feel like I got my $10 worth it without seeing the documentary anyway.


This is the documentary involving Steven Greer. While his Disclosure Project has a lot of interesting witnesses, he himself is a controversial figure within the UFO community.

Among other things, he says he can use his mind to contact and call down aliens and sells an iPhone app that allows you to do the same.

On a recent podcast, Joe Rogan asked for further explanation on some of these things than what Greer might be used to, and Greer didn't seem to like some of the questioning.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gVLv5eg4Xg]JRE #331 - Dr. Steven Greer - YouTube[/ame]

On a recent podcast, Joe Rogan asked for further explanation on some of these things than what Greer might be used to, and Greer didn't seem to like some of the questioning.

Ugh. I went into that podcast with an open mind. Then when he started explaining his own contact experience and how he's especially tuned for contact ...

Promise all of the Alex Jones followers and their drunk and drugged up neighbors that you will show them the truth of how aliens come here and that they can solve all of the mysteries in the universe...

Are you saying you're an Alex Jones follower?