uBot or a bunch of other software products?


New member
Oct 25, 2010
I'm wondering whether I should get uBot and try to learn how to play with it, or to purchase a few other well know products (to create profiles, Web 2.0, blog comments, etc.)

I have absolutely no idea of programming, but handling uBot doesn't seem too difficult at first glance.

Please advice.


If you have absolutely NO clue of programming, then even uBot will have a learning curve for you.

Save time and get all the well known programs instead.

AMR, Magic Submitter, SEnuke, Xrumer, Scrapebox, Scrapeboard (if you don't get Xrumer).

Programming all of these on uBot will take you a year. You could be rich by then instead of uBotting.

p/s: and get a VPS with a fast internet connection.
Ubot is very easy to use for basic scraping and simple tasks. I have some programming abilities but I am not an expert by any means. Making a Ubot to make blog comments may prove very difficult if you do not have a long time to learn it.
Kinda depends.. I made a similar post to this kind of in the SENUKE X thread.

Personally, I buy all non subscription based software I can first. This would be stuff like Scrapebox, ScrapeBoard, AMR, etc... I would throw in xRumer too since its a once time fee then a $10 month maint and $10 is nothing. TBS too even though its $77 a year which is nothing but $6 a month basically.

After that, if I needed something more, I would look into the month subs like MS and such.