Ubot Automation


Jul 25, 2008
Just made the plunge and purchased this software. So far, I'm liking it. I had some backlash from my l33to buddies that say they can program a lot of it in php, but I also program in PHP, and the things the bot does would take me a while to do in PHP for sure.

We got it to pull from a proxy list, change proxy, and confirmed it with whatsmyip. I'd be willing to trade some bots once I actually get some good ones to help out with.

So far out of the box, it's easy to install, and your off to making bots in no time. The forum contained a few bots that were very helpful.

Feel free to PM me with my updates on the tool, we plan to use it a lot this weekend. I'll post back what I can.

What I'm hoping is these executable are reliable enough to set them on a schedule and complete correctly.

The built in scrape function I can see will be something that I'll be using for sure.

What is everyone elses experiences in reliability? It's cool if the environment has a few glitches/bugs I can deal with that, what I'm worried about is the executables.

The most annoying bug with the executables I've found is that one compiled Ubot can't run another compiled Ubot due to the Xenocode DRM they're wrapped in. This messes me up because I like to modularize the email activation functions of my bots by having bot A run bot B, which clicks the activation link and terminates, and then bot A resumes. That way anytime I want to switch email systems I just replace bot B with another bot that handles the new email system and clicks activation links in it. Alas, due to Xenocode this is no longer possible.
The software alternates constantly between being in a beta/stable state, so really take time to read the nag screens that popup on start. Generally, I don't update.

Other than that, it does some cool stuff. It's still pretty IE dependent, and doesn't have the flexibility to make full use of Windows commands like WinAutomation, but for handling Ajax, scraping and ease of use with conditionals, it is pretty hard to beat.
^I have no experience with WinAutomation, but couldn't you code something in WinAutomation and then run it via Ubots Shell command? Its what I do for captcha cracking and sorting scraped data. First, write the raw scrape into .txt file. Then have Ubot run a C# program via the Shell command to read the raw scrape and organize it into a .csv. Its a pretty powerful way of doing things.
I just got this as well, it's pretty epic for me since my programming skills are limited. So far I've managed to make really simple bots -

1. one that registers at a bunch of social bookmarking sites
2. one that logs into my clickbank/etc accounts to see if sales have been made
3. one that logs into my registrar

like I said these bots are all noob status, but hopefuly in time I can get leet at ubot :)
speaking of, i'm building a bot that is filling out some forms and ran into something I can't figure out. After you fill in all the data/captcha, it has a checkbox which then un-greys a submit button. The code I used was:

checkbox: checked
click submit button
wait finish

but it seems like when the bot clicks the checkbox it won't ungrey the submit button but when i click it manually it does ungrey it. any suggestions?
Find out what javascript is triggered by checking the box to activate the submit button, then use a RUN JAVASCRIPT command, paste in the function like so


That should trigger the activation event.
Sweet, thnks for replys ..

so havin trouble with some captcha with decaptcher, with brute force enabled, it works in dev mode, but when compiled , it goes to a blanks screen for me as soon as it is about to send it to the captcha..

with brute force disabled, sends keys to captcha correctly, but its not sending the correct keys or even close!

anyone know what the brute force option actually is? and what can be causin this? thx :)
This is just a hunch, but at the very beginning of the bot have it navigate to bing.com. Otherwise I don't know.
thnx tainted,

that's def a good thing to do, navigate first, but I did that unfortunately, everything works but when the bruteforce happens, then white screen :|
Issue solved. Turns out decaptches is a piece of shit service. Always used bypasscatpcha. -t
I'm starting a blog farm, so far i've been manually creating my wordpress sites would ubot allow me to automate one click installs/emails setup/wp configuration etc?
I automate 90% of my blog setup with Ubot, the other 10% consists of a custom FTP client uploading themes and plugins to the correct directory on my server.