U.S. To Introduce Draconian Anti-Piracy Censorship Bill

oh jesus, here we go with this shit again.

Guys if this becomes law the internet is gonna suck. I know a lot of you aren't political but this is a very good reason to write your representatives and tell them to fuck off with this bullshit.
Guys if this becomes law the internet is gonna suck. I know a lot of you aren't political but this is a very good reason to write your representatives and tell them to fuck off with this bullshit.


Do it right now. Read this and regurgitate like two points. 100 words. Tell your rep not to support it. Print fold lick address stamp done. Ten minutes.

Here we go again. I'd love to believe that congress isn't dumb enough to pass this, but they'll probably sneak it into another bill and slide it straight through congress, with only Ron Paul actually reading and opposing it.

I didn't, however, see an H.R. number, so it will probably be a while before we see this pop up. Just have to be ready when it does.
The Senators Who Say Merely Linking To Certain Sites Should Be A Felony | Techdirt

FTA: " Put it all together, and our elected officials are now claiming that linking to something can be a felony. Yeah. Scary.

It seems that we really should highlight the list of Senators who have sponsored these bills, and who are telling you that linking to content should be considered a felony. The first bill is sponsored by:
  • Patrick Leahy
  • Orrin Hatch
  • Chuck Grassley
  • Charles Schumer
  • Dianne Feinstein
  • Sheldon Whitehouse
  • Lindsey Graham
  • Herb Kohl
  • Chris Coons
  • Richard Blumenthal
  • Al Franken <-- Updated to include, missed him on the first pass
The latter bill is
  • Amy Klobuchar
  • John Cornyn
  • Chris Coons, who has the distinction of sponsoring both dreadful bills "
Would owning domain names that contain registered trademarks be considered within this bill?.

I know that if today someone wants to take down such sites can do it but this bill may make it quicker.
  • Patrick Leahy <-- gun grabbing douche
  • Orrin Hatch <-- warmongering rights stripping fascist
  • Chuck Grassley <-- half decent, pretty disappointing
  • Charles Schumer <-- Wall Street mobster
  • Dianne Feinstein <-- gun grabbing liberal whore
  • Sheldon Whitehouse
  • Lindsey Graham <-- Fascist maniac
  • Herb Kohl
  • Chris Coons
  • Richard Blumenthal <-- fuckhead
  • Al Franken <-- uber douche
  • Amy Klobuchar
  • John Cornyn <-- fake republican douche

Who the fuck are these people and how we let them get elected
Why not buying the site and deleting every single link. This way you keep a site that doesn't infringe the law and that probably has tons of backlinks. Am I wrong?

I've been seeing a lot more piracy related websites (forums, nzbs etc) popping up for sale on Flippa. People trying to offload the shit before it's taken forcefully.

You would have to be nuts to buy something like this now.
