U.N. Agreement Should Have All Gun Owners Up In Arms

Another policy to take guns out of the 'good guys' hands. If you make guns illegal, the only ones that will have them is criminals and the normal law abiding citizen will be left defenseless.
pure dog shit... i don't own gun but this is retarded why we are at it lets ask the UN to elect our president...wait scratch that lets have the UN just run the country
Not to sound ignorant, but I own guns and this is the first I've heard of this, how credible is this guy?

What, exactly, does the intended agreement entail? While the terms have yet to be made public, if passed by the U.N. and ratified by our Senate, it will almost certainly force the U.S. to:

Is he speculating or does he know what he's talking about? He's not really citing any sources beyond politicians and their past agendas.

How likely is something like this to actually happen?

They took the 4th amendment last month, I guess it's just a matter of time to take the rest of 'em.
Interesting stat from this article...

There are many like me, and fewer of them would be alive today were it not for exercise of their gun rights. In fact law-abiding citizens in America used guns in self-defense 2.5 million times during 1993 (about 6,850 times per day), and actually shot and killed 2 1/2 times as many criminals as police did (1,527 to 606). Those civilian self-defense shootings resulted in less than 1/5th as many incidents as police where an innocent person was mistakenly identified as a criminal (2% versus 11%).

Citizens with guns make less mistakes than the Police do.
A good point from here:*

Judge Alex Kozinski of the 9th Circuit Court in 2003 wrote in part:

'The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed — where the government refuses to stand for reelection and silences those who protest; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees. However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once.'

Really tough to organize a revolution with sticks and stones.

* it's a quick, engaging read, by the way.
Ok, I may regret asking this, but it's something that, being an outsider (from the UK where guns have always been very strictly controlled) I don't understand.... why is this such a big deal?

@jakestratham - I think that answers my question. It protects you from tyranny of the state. Anything else?
How likely is something like this to actually happen?

It's not gonna happen anytime soon. Gun controls that would be much more tame in comparison to this already get rejected by congress and at state levels.
Ok, I may regret asking this, but it's something that, being an outsider (from the UK where guns have always been very strictly controlled) I don't understand.... why is this such a big deal?

@jakestratham - I think that answers my question. It protects you from tyranny of the state. Anything else?

It's a big deal for several reason. 1 we're not governed by the U.N and 2 gun ownership is right in the U.S.
I don't understand.... why is this such a big deal?
I've had to *resort* (not fire) to using mine a couple of times.

Just last night a close friend of mine who's a single Mom was mowing her lawn, a group of wannabe thugs started harassing her. She went in and called the cops.

I guess they tried to follow her in, they knew she was home alone, etc. Like 3 of them.

Cops took 30 minutes to show, I guess the guys left before they showed.

Cops said they'd "keep an eye out".

She called me, told me the story, I grabbed my gun and went and hung out at her place for awhile.

They never showed back up. But from her description, they were idiots, probably high on something, and possibly armed. Nothing happened but I'm not walking into that situation unarmed.

Taking her to pick up a .38 and teach her how to use it tomorrow.

And this isn't a violent town by any means.

Around a year ago I had some crazy dude try to break into my front window thinking I wasn't home. I grabbed the gun. Not sure if he saw it or just heard me but he bolted.

Again, not a very violent town and I live in a pretty nice part of it.

In any case, if either of these guys have guns I want to be armed.

If they're not armed I still want to be armed.

I definitely don't want to be in a position where some cracked out fuckbag is packin' heat and I have to rely on the police/government to protect me.

I can understand the other side of gun control. Maybe it's cuz I'm 'Merican, but I want the right to defend myself. When it's illegal to have guns only the criminals have guns.

Guns are an excellent deterrent against violence/robbery/rape/etc.

Also Tyranny of the State.

Also shooting beer cans.

Also looking like a bad ass.

Citizens with guns make less mistakes than the Police do.
I own guns, got my first as soon as I was old enough.

In theory we the people should have them to protect agaisnt the possible tyranny of an oppressive gov't. But in reality the US military is now so far advanced, I mean there's no way any number of armed citizens could put up a fight in a no holds barred show down with our troops. I mean I ain't got no drones, no smart bombs, no F22's, I ain't even got one stinkin tank. Any of you guys holdin serious armament?

Having said that -- I bought mine because it's my right. I also went hunting for a cocksucker that had broken into my house once.
In theory we the people should have them to protect agaisnt the possible tyranny of an oppressive gov't. But in reality the US military is now so far advanced, I mean there's no way any number of armed citizens could put up a fight in a no holds barred show down with our troops. I mean I ain't got no drones, no smart bombs, no F22's, I ain't even got one stinkin tank.

Taliban seems to be holding out ok.
But in reality the US military is now so far advanced, I mean there's no way any number of armed citizens could put up a fight in a no holds barred show down with our troops.

I really hope if it ever came to this that American soldiers wouldn't fire on American citizens. I'm sure theres those few sadistic fucks who wouldn't have a problem with it, but at the end of day I don't believe most would do it. Maybe I'm just naive.

Every couple years or so a politician gets killed. It keeps them honest.

If you ask me 'gun control' is latent resentment of this fact.

If I was running the state, I'd definitely want guns out of citizens' hands. An armed populace poses a risk. Things can quickly spiral out of control, like a tinderbox that meets a spark. For example, as James Carville recently put it with regard to the economy:

'...you know, you’re smart enough to see this . . . People, you know, if it continues, we’re going to start to see civil unrest in this country. I hate to say that, but I think it’s imminently possible.'
I wouldn't introduce "ban weapons" bills. Too blunt. Draws too much attention. No. Instead, I'd cut into supply chains to incrementally raise prices over time. I'd introduce seemingly benign regulations - both on ownership and production. I'd implement limits on usage. Again, nothing that would draw people away from DWTS, but twenty years down the line, it'd work.

It has worked.
I wouldn't introduce "ban weapons" bills. Too blunt. Draws too much attention. No. Instead, I'd cut into supply chains to incrementally raise prices over time. I'd introduce seemingly benign regulations - both on ownership and production. I'd implement limits on usage. Again, nothing that would draw people away from DWTS, but twenty years down the line, it'd work.

It has worked.

And people wonder why the NRA flips a shit over EVERY LITTLE THING Re: guns, ammo, and gun control legislation.
I wanted to sneak this in here:

The UN claims to serve human freedom and dignity, but gun control often serves as a gateway to tyranny. Tyrants from Hitler to Mao to Stalin have sought to disarm their own citizens, for the simple reason that unarmed people are easier to control. - Ron Paul

It's another good, short read.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4J5q9MEcxCs]YouTube - ‪Megadeth - 99 Ways To Die (Music Video)‬‏[/ame]
Something I learned from my CHL class was that statistically speaking your life will be threatened by another human being at least twice in your lifetime.