Typical Landing Page Click-Thru Rate?

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Jan 9, 2009
Greenwich, CT
Hey guys - new to WickedFire and affiliate marketing so if you need to flame me in my first post, I understand! Flame away! :angryfire::angryfire::angryfire:

What would you consider to be an acceptable/typical click-thru rate for landing pages? Meaning the user makes it to your landing page, is convinced that they need/want your product and click through to the sponsors page?

I've toyed around with a few designs and I'm pretty happy (although I know there is always room for improvement) with the results for 2 weeks in.

Any thoughts/opinions?

its all relative. There are more metrics that you should be looking at with your landing page then just click through rate. You could have a super low click through rate, but have every single one of those clicks convert or you could have a super high click through rate with no conversions. You should be testing how your landing page affects conversions as a new affliate marketer more than how landing page changes affect your click through rate
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