two Facebook social ads Qs

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New member
Jan 3, 2007
looking for input from social ad pros.

does fb allow webmasters to send traffic to a landing page with handful of sponsors ads on it instead of straight to a single sponsor's landing page?

also, im starting to think that the per-click price fb charges on ads varies with the age of the ad among other things. anyone notice the same thing? a new ad gets lots of cheaper clicks, it gets older and you have to pay more to get the same clicks.

if you can get your CTR up, then your CPC will drop. try testing different pictures and call-to-action lines. test test test
yes thats the idea but i cant just change a picture. i need to create a different ad to accomplish a change. but what im saying is that i might be able to buy clicks today for an ad at 20 cents but then a couple days later im paying 25, then 30, then just too much to afford.

i never noticed but perhaps my ctr is dropping and thats why it costs more. that or like i said, perhaps fb calculates the click price with age in mind among other things.
well it's fine... just click the create a similar ad and use the same text, different picture or same picture, different text.

yea, different age groups and demographics have different bid ranges.... and they can even change day to day.... but a great ctr can really help to keep you cpc low
i guess im not being clear. not different age groups, but the age of the ad today. a new ad will get clicks cheaper than that same ad 2 weeks down the road, even if the ctr is the same. No?
i guess im not being clear. not different age groups, but the age of the ad today. a new ad will get clicks cheaper than that same ad 2 weeks down the road, even if the ctr is the same. No?

I have been running an Ad since 05/30/2008. Over that time period it has averaged a cpc of $0.27. The last few days I have been able to buy clicks at $0.16. FB, like any other bid platform, is going to base the performance of the add versus the other ads that are being shown to that same group (whether targeted or not).
I have been running an Ad since 05/30/2008. Over that time period it has averaged a cpc of $0.27. The last few days I have been able to buy clicks at $0.16. FB, like any other bid platform, is going to base the performance of the add versus the other ads that are being shown to that same group (whether targeted or not).

agreed. you were able to say it much better than i could.
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