Twitter Mass Unfollow


New member
Feb 28, 2010
I'm looking for a service where I can do a one-click mass purge of all the ppl I'm following (~3000). The ones I've come across so far only allow me to unfollow those who don't follow me back.

Is there a service I can use to unfollow everyone and start from scratch?

P.S. I don't want to delete my account because I want to keep the followers I have.

the likelihood of you keeping the followers you have after a mass unfollow is pretty slim... and thats assuming your account doesnt get banned for suspicious activity. If I was you I would SLOWLY unfollow over the course of a month if you really want to do so. tweetspinner has a service that will do this for you 40 unfollows at a time every 3 hours until the job is done. give that a shot.
If you unfollow people you will lose half your follows.

I know someone who did that against my recomend and that is exactly what happened.

Plus Twitter will be full of news on your name that you are unfollowing people.

Makes you look like a Twitter snob.

Just ignore your front page and search for the news you want.
lol following 3k people. how the fuck do you keep track of shit? I follow like what... 150 people? and I already have twitter off 99% of the time.
You know, I unfollow like 400-500 people on almost a daily basis in one of several accounts, and none of them have ever been flagged or banned or whatever. Just saying.

Not that I would do that to my personal account...