Twitter Bootstrap 3.0


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Sep 8, 2010
any of you folks see any of the new changes in bootstrap 3.0?

was browsing through

Bootstrap Expo

and am really floored by what is going on with html5 and css3, i can't believe what it can do! i stopped learning html many years ago, and havn't kept up with all the new widgetry etc.

I know a lot of sites use bootstrap, and a lot of popular WP themes are based off of it. REeaaaly not sure how I feel about all of the "flat" buttons and non-use of gradients in different elements. Really has a Windows 8 look to it which I feel from a UI standpoint was really a fail. Curios if any of you fucks have any feels.

Flat design is all the rage. Gradients, bevels and drop shadows are old school. Windows 8 wasn't a failure (which is debatable anyway) because of it's cosmetics, but instead its mechanics. People can't cope with the smallest changes. I think it looks great. Have a good look around at big brand projects and you'll see "flat" and simple is becoming the norm.

I like Bootstrap, but it's pretty bloated if you're not using all of its features. If you don't need all the bells and whistles then it's better if you make a custom build suited for just your requirements.