Twilight New Moon

Is Twilight good, or is it just another Harry Potter plot with sex and vampires.

Not that Harry Potter was good to begin with
passed by the theater yesterday night, i have never seen so many jailbait at the same time
This is either bait to see if we're gay or if we're pedo.

Or if you happen to be jailbait yourself.

Or if you're my mom.

Or if you work for my mom....they all love it too.

Or if you're a woman, I guess.

Lacks broad appeal here in WF, though. ;)


Edit: These ^ are mutually exclusive. :)
I get to take advantage of this mess. With a middle name of "Cullen" I just tell it to vampire obsessed 18-23 year olds and bam :cool2: :love-smiley-013: :love-smiley-083:
You guys are aware that it's a chick flick, right?
You only need to take an emo chick to see it, and you're going to get some.
Or an emo guy, because they're all trendy bicurious nowadays, aren't they? And with such smooth faces, provided you close your eyes, you can't really tell the difference.


But, in all seriousness, if you have not made money on Facebook this week using some kind of Twilight shit, you fail at keeping up with market waves.