turnkey sites

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
Do you find any value in turnkey sites? Are people able to make money from them? Not the people that create them and sell them, but rather say you bought a turnkey site from somewhere, have you made any money from them or are tehy seen as a bad thing by Google and friends?

I bought one once and did nothing with it. Waste of $30, but it was my fault for not doing anything with it.

I'm not sure there's a point in buying most turnkey sites, most seem like they'd be easy enough to start on your own.
Turnkey takes all the fun out. Id rather put the money towards unique content and develop myself.
Turnkey sites can be profitable if you don't rely on search engine, as long as you can drive traffic and convert sales or click, why make this *turnkey sites* stuff looks bad ?
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rento.inc said:
Turnkey sites can profitable if you don't rely on search engine, as long as you can drive traffic and convert sales or click, why make this *turnkey sites* stuff looks bad ?

I have no doubt that quite a few people have done well with turnkey sites - Im just not one of them :)
From my experience, turnkey sites are ugly, have bad content and are generally worthless except for the domain name. I have come across a few gems though.
It reminds me of the good ole classified ad:

some classified ad said:
Make money at home, stuffing envelopes!

yeah, and after sending the low 9.95 you get a package in the mail, only to find out you are stuffing envelopes with flyers promoting working from home stuffing envelopes! and you got to do all the work, make the copies, buy the envelopes and stamps, and worse, LICK THEM!
You can make money from turnkey sites if you use the script for a niche...example: my friend got a turnkey dating script and used it for mature single people only.

In a year he had over 2,000 members from little/no advertising.

Currently people open their own myspace resource website or online arcade, some doing really well!

The turnkey scripts on my site, www.freeturnkey.net are downloaded shedloads, so people must be making money!

If you also look on sitepoint, scripts like this and proxy sites are sold daily.
Khalid said:
You can make money from turnkey sites if you use the script for a niche...example: my friend got a turnkey dating script and used it for mature single people only.

In a year he had over 2,000 members from little/no advertising.

Currently people open their own myspace resource website or online arcade, some doing really well!

The turnkey scripts on my site, www.freeturnkey.net are downloaded shedloads, so people must be making money!

If you also look on sitepoint, scripts like this and proxy sites are sold daily.
Usefull site! Thanks for the free arcade script ;)
I purchased memberships to two turnkey reseller websites hoping I could quickly get some websites up and going. didn't think i'd be spending more time on fixing their broken code then creating content for them.

about the only value I have gotten out of these two memberships, is seeing how others are writing code. was a complete waste of money for me.
Hah... buying turnkeys is like buying those "get rich quick" e-books and whatnot from those self-entitled "Affiliate Gurus" and so on. I have the same line for both: "If they claim those things really make money, why don't they just hush down and do it themselves". They already have the scripts. Why don't they start 500 websites with the same script and make cartloads of cash? Noo, it needs to be spread around to 500 people who bought "our script for $29.95" or something...

Don't believe all you read on the 'net. In fact, dont FULLY trust ANYTHING on the 'net.
I think it depends on who buys the turnkey site. Most people buy them and think it will immediately start generating cash. Turnkey sites can make you money if you scrap their content and add your own unique content and then do SEO on it like you would if it was a complete custom site.

I have a myspace site I bought a couple of weeks ago and it is already 1st page in google and Aol for 3 keywords ( very competitive ones). Now if I could just get it monetized to earn more money.

I look at turnkeys like a template, nothing more.
yep.. same here.. turnkeys as template, change the content, write articles based on low competition keyword, build some link, or test with adwords, see if its making any profit ;)
Well.. at least you don't have to design the web site :D
I bought one turnkey website once.
I made like $5 back of the $30 i payed for it...
At least it's a PR3 now and I can use it to drive some PR to new sites hahaha
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