Turned Down By BOTW?

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New member
Dec 27, 2006
South Beach
How's everyones experience with Best of the Web been? Has anyone ever applied and had their sites turned down from inclusion? I just saw a 15% off coupon code at Shoemoney's site and I'm thinking of submitting one of my text messaging sites.

yeah i've gotten turned down there, resubmitted another site and got that approved though
I wouldn't fret about it. And I wouldn't submit to a site that kept my fee regardless.

I have an intuition that you only need to a few quality directories at $10-$20 a pop, then look elsewhere for links.

I got a site to page 2 of Google for a competitive keyword buying X number of such links. X + X/4 number of such links didn't move me any further.

There are a LOT of directories out there, and a LOT of them are boosting their PR by interlinking with each other. The wailing and gnashing of teeth at DP when Google eventually filters for this will be grimly amusing.

Plus which, every one of the buggers is relying on passing PR for their bread and butter. Very few, if any, produce organic traffic. I can think of only one, which sends me about 1 hit _per week_.

Use and move on.
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