Turn homepage wordpress site into single page lander review


New member
Oct 21, 2011

I am not technical whatsoever, and would appreciate some guidance on this one.

I currently have a wordpress site with almost 60 pages of unique content, optimized for SEO. However, now that I am ranking higher and getting traffic related to my keyword, I am in the monetizing phase. As the title states I wish to change my homepage to an ad copy review style lander with only links to the affiliate offer. However I am wondering about the pages of content, I would imagine they still need to exist to maintain SERP ranking. Any suggestions? Anyone willing to do this or reccommend someone? Can I just change the main page and leave everything else as it is? Most backlinks go to main page.


You should leave your current content structure alone, and just change the main url to a landing page with your most important messages, and link to the other sub content pages from the landing page

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