Trying to figure out how to make monies from my website :(


New member
Jul 6, 2009
Hey my site is you may have read my journal in teh newbie section. Well long story short, I have had this site about a month now, it's my very first site, im getting around 60-80 visitors a day. I'm having a hard time trying to make money out of this site, I have only made like $2 through adsense lol. I have signed up to badboymma as an affilate I have a store on my site but noone is going onto it and noone is clicking my banners. My goal was to make this site pay for it's own hosting costs but it looks like I have failed :(.

anyone out there that can give me some advice on making monies from my site? :)


there are so many things you could promote here. Its a young male demo.

You could go with acai for men, penis enlargement, dating, pick up chicks, even make money.

Basically if you don't find money pushing for the niche (mma), make money pushing for the demo (18-30 yr old males)
Push products in the blog posts. for example 'Don’t Waste Time With Ineffective MMA Weight Training Exercises' - presell them on a fatburner rebill, or recommend a sports supplement.

Or a linkbait article about why chicks dig MMA athletes, and recommend a dating site signup at the end.

Build an mma list by giving away some tips or some shit. Just anything to get your readers clicking on your links, because right now there's 1 banner on your site.

And stop thinking you failed. You've done 1 site for 1 month. Make 30 sites and if you can't pay your hosting bill then maybe you failed.
And stop thinking you failed. You've done 1 site for 1 month. Make 30 sites and if you can't pay your hosting bill then maybe you failed.


WF has a lot of gold hidden in her pages. You're claiming failure too soon in the game. Use the advice from conv3rsion and try marketing to the demo and see what happens.

Only when you've tested everything and you're still broke, then you've failed.
Those who posted above me have given you the gist of it.
Just one point: One month is too early to call it quits.
Listen to
Lotsofzeros and conv3rsion

and if you fail again give me the blog and I will make money with it.
try redesigning your theme to be similar to other mma type sites out there. it'll give the user a better connection with the site before they consider anything else you want them to do. research your competition and mimic them.
start doing mma gear reviews instead of a store.
If you really want your site to take off it shouldn't look like an adsense blog. You need to have a recognizable logo, twitter and facebook following, a wider page, the use of exercepts and thumbnails rather than full posts on the homepage.
Your website took a while to load. If it's consistently that way, you may want to optimize your images.

Great text content, now add some text links. If your viewers are the reading type, that will generate some $$

Think dating? CPA offers for dating, though it depends on your demographic. Macho types may consider online dating to be for losers. Try some campaigns, see if they deliver.

Definitely build an email list, deliver interesting email, not just spam.

I didn't see much Adsense. Pick a few popular pages, and place Adsense prominently and strategically, it may be a winning strategy for this website.

Have you done some keyword research? SEO optimize, and track your inbound queries for opportunities?

FYI, nice website!

Once you get some decent feedback, follow up with posts containing worthy images to feed us boob-worshipers?
Great insight here...I have a few blogs that i am trying to monetize...all deal with the combat sports nitche...I need to deploy some of the above techniques.

Supp X

train mma
Get a better theme to start with. Try one of the million free magazine style Wordpress themes that are available. Design your own logo like one of the others said and try to make it look more professional. This will add a sense of credibility with your readers so they trust the stuff you're pitching them.

You need to figure out exactly what keywords you are trying to get your blog ranking for and optimize accordingly because it won't just magically happen. If you are trying to get traffic from "MMA Training programs", then you better get that in your title, description and in some H tags and content on the main page. I'm a big fan of having some static text on your index page, like a welcome to the blog type of message where you can get some of your keywords in.

Keep writing good, original content and Google will begin ranking your posts for some long tail keywords.

Start building more backlinks using your keywords as the anchor text for the links. I'm only showing 9 backlinks to your blog right now, and none of them have any text, just the url. Buy a social bookmarking package from Red_Virus in the BST section. That would be a good start. You're going to need some decent traffic before you can really figure out what's going to make you money.

I think you're on the right path, it's just time to step up your game....and one month isn't enough time to consider anything a failure.
Stop publishing content and then submitting the same content to article directories. Write separate articles for the directories to push link juice to your site, or at least spin them.

There is an ass-ton of money to be made in this niche and it has yet to really be tapped, IMO.

Get it? Tapped. Hurr durr.