Trouble getting more traffic


New member
Dec 31, 2010
I have three web sites with basically the same key words. The content is pretty good. We have been working with some guys here a wf on the backlinks and the results have been good. All three sites are ranked on the first or second page of G for some quality key words, but we havent seen any increase in traffic? I was wondering if anyone could look at one of the sites and see if we are making mistakes that are hurting us. I would be willing to pay for useful advise.

I have three web sites with basically the same key words. The content is pretty good. We have been working with some guys here a wf on the backlinks and the results have been good. All three sites are ranked on the first or second page of G for some quality key words, but we havent seen any increase in traffic? I was wondering if anyone could look at one of the sites and see if we are making mistakes that are hurting us. I would be willing to pay for useful advise.

You have keywords ranked on 1st and 2nd page or spot? If it's just a 2nd page, even if you jumped there form page 5 you will not see a massive increase, I suppose.

Check your unique visitors vs. visitors. Maybe your content is not that great and people do not come back to your site, or avoid your site when seeing it in SERP? That way even when you get new traffic, the total number of visitors every month stays similar.

Maybe your keyword is divided in some unusual way? I mean, if you rank 5th for "amazon" it doesn't mean you will get 5% (or whatever the % it is for 5th spot) of it's traffic, because people will go to Amazon store ignoring your website.

Maybe you should add some pages and attack long-tails? All this extra traffic from long-tails will add up giving you some nice number. Then set up your navigation properly so visitors can access your best-money-making pages with ease.

And build even more links so you get your top 3 spots for keywords :)

Just some thoughts from noob.
Thanks tomaszjot, the long-tails are probably a good bet. I know the content is the key, we are building links constantly. I'm trying to get to the top three, i know we will see a spike in traffic then. Thanks again for the advise I appreicate it!
Yeah try to top3 positions then your site will get traffic.

Btw are you doing SMO? Do it. That too helps to build traffic for website.
I am for some keywords. It just seems like that should have given us a little more traffic and it really hasn't.
Yeah try to top3 positions then your site will get traffic.

Btw are you doing SMO? Do it. That too helps to build traffic for website.

Wait wait wait wait.... you're telling me.... that if i PAY for traffic.... I'll get... TRAFFIC?!

OMG. When is your ebook coming out?