TRON Legacy

God damn, the special fx of today is getting insane. +1 for seeing that STONED.
yep, i pretty well jizzed in ma pants when i saw the trailer. the original has its moments. David Warner did an amazing job playing Sark.
wow... that is going to be the DVD that identifies a geek stoner household at first glance.

yess...found my next Halloween costume.....cameltoe and all...chicks dig that shit.... its very euro
I used to play TRON on my Dad's ancient computer back when everyone was still using was actually a fun ass game.
featuring... the most interesting man in the world as that guy in the white room

[ame=]YouTube - Dos Equis: The Most Interesting Man in the World (2009)[/ame]

I thought TRON was a pretty good film, even by today's standards.
Of course it's filled with plot holes you can drive a truck through, and we can blame it for the Matrix's sequels (fuck you, Cohen brothers, ruining a perrfectly good movie like that) glaring stupidities like programs with a personality...
but there was plenty of other good stuff about the movie, like the facti t was just plain fun to watch.

And Jon, Moses wants you to make macaroni pictures for jewbilee.

I really don't want to see this in the theater with all the other n3rds, I'll wait for the torrent.
Then stop being a tight arse, and lay down $30 to see it in an exclusive cinema if they have them near you.
Seriously. I do it all the time and it's totally worth it if the movie itself doesn't suck.