Traveling Europe: Where to go between Amsterdam and Interlaken


Movin to TX
Jan 3, 2009
Proudly Incorporated in WY
Next week, I'm going on a "bachelor party" in Europe. We party in Amsterdam next weekend, then will leave on Sunday to head up to Interlaken to do some outdoorsy stuff during the week.

I guess the overnight trains are too expensive, so we're going to rent a van to drive from Amdam to Interlaken. We might break the trip up and do an extra day somewhere between. Any recommendations?

We will have both guys and girls with us, and enjoy drinking, sporting, and socializing. We're not filthy rich, but everyone is pretty well off... near or above 6 figures, so budget shouldn't be a horrible issue. No sightseeing shit please.

I put "bachelor party" in quotes because the couple is already married and we'll have a few couples too.

After Interlaken, the boys are going to Munich to hit up Oktoberfest, and the girls are going to Paris.

Also, does anyone have any recommendations for cool hostels in Amsterdam? Ideally, we'd like a cool drinking area where we can rent out an entire hostel room as a private.

Any help is super appreciated. I'm fucking stoked but got to get 3 new sites up before I leave though.


PS - I know you're not CPAs or lawyers, but what's the best legal way to turn this into a business trip so I can write it off?

account paypable to consultant for sexual frustration which impacts performance at work and hence company's bottom line.
PS - I know you're not CPAs or lawyers, but what's the best legal way to turn this into a business trip so I can write it off?

That is shit I try and not fuck with. Not business at all - I won't write it off because that shit can come and bite the shit right out of your asshole five years later...

I've seen folks deal with that nightmare in the past... no thank you.
That is shit I try and not fuck with. Not business at all - I won't write it off because that shit can come and bite the shit right out of your asshole five years later...

I've seen folks deal with that nightmare in the past... no thank you.

Haha yeah I guess I figured. Not even a partial write-off for during the week when I'm working from the Internet Cafe? :)

Oh well. My next trip will be business style, so there I'll make it happen.

Thanks man.
Heidelberg is on your way... some very cool castles to see.

If you have time while visiting Amsterdam, I highly recommend heading east for a day to the beach town of Zandvoort.
PS - I know you're not CPAs or lawyers, but what's the best legal way to turn this into a business trip so I can write it off?

Not a CPA or lawyer but you could turn it into a partial business trip if you found a seminar or event that could benefit your business AND isn't offered here in the U.S. The last bit is important, the IRS doesn't take well to international travel unless it's absolutely necessary.

If you satisfy those criteria then you can write off your plane ticket and other expenses centered around that particular event (e.g. traveling in a cab to get to/from event, some of your food expenses during the event, etc.)
Haha yeah I guess I figured. Not even a partial write-off for during the week when I'm working from the Internet Cafe? :)

Oh well. My next trip will be business style, so there I'll make it happen.

Thanks man.

Don't work while you are there. That is the whole point of a VACATION, no? Get fucked, fuck some Euro whores, spend some euros, and have fun. You will be amazed at how good you feel when you get back to Cali all refreshed in front of the computer.
Oh Americans, all you know is Paris, Amsterdam and fuckin' Oktoberfest.

Why don't you instead fly down to Belgrade for a non-cliche Eurotrip you'll never forget? "Wild" doesn't begin to describe what goes on there. Hey, you said bachelor.
I'm not sure where Interlaken is but Brussels is nice, also like someone above said the Reeperbahn in Hamburg is fun as well.
Oh Americans, all you know is Paris, Amsterdam and fuckin' Oktoberfest.

Why don't you instead fly down to Belgrade for a non-cliche Eurotrip you'll never forget? "Wild" doesn't begin to describe what goes on there. Hey, you said bachelor.

Belgrade is indeed a lovely place... the food is not that good but people are always ready to help even though they don't know how to speak in English :)

Loved the view, the weather... btw is a very cheap place to go on vacations.

By the way why you guys part (girls and boys) After Interlaken?

Anyway i am not the biggest fan of Europe as a trip, i would recommend canceling the whole thing - go to Thailand, or Philippines, if yout not looking for sightseeing shit as you put it, definitely Thailand !! Endless attractions, Jet skys speed boats, motor cycles(any kind you want - no license needed) skydiving, bungee jumping, parties and everything else that might come into your mind.

Also drugs if thats what ya looking for.

Go Thailand
Oh Americans, all you know is Paris, Amsterdam and fuckin' Oktoberfest.

Why don't you instead fly down to Belgrade for a non-cliche Eurotrip you'll never forget? "Wild" doesn't begin to describe what goes on there. Hey, you said bachelor.

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I'd stop off in Berlin (been on a stag there and it's the bollocks - ask around for The Hoff - a crazy, crazy club) or Cologne. Something in both for everyone. Lovely cosmopolitan cities, great booze and surprisingly sexy women. If you do, get some pigs trotters. They're not always on the menu (you'll have to ask) but they're the shit.
Go to Zurich, making a huge detour for just one night seems stupid and it's a great city.

Plenty of good parties.