Translating your site to other languages?


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Any of you ever translate your site to other languages (ex:,, etc.)

Wondering what the best way to streamline this process would be. Onehourtranslation?

That or hiring a translator direct and skipping the middle man. I know a Spanish translator available if you need one.
Find partners / agents in each desired country for your site. Cut them in on the profits earned from their region, and have them translate the site for free.

If your site / business is decent, you won't have a problem finding people, assuming you're willing to give an exclusive over that language market. Just start with a 6 month exclusive, and specify minimum monthly sales goals they must reach to keep the exclusive.
If you want to save on costs, hire a translator per language and have them translate all the copy, then hire someone else to actually put the translated copy into all you HTML/Wordpress/PHP etc. I just finished doing this on a site of mine myself. Got good quality work for a third of what OneHourTranslation would have cost. The translations itself ended up being far easier than the actual implementation, as it's surprisingly hard finding a reasonably priced VA who can figure out where to paste in translated text without inadvertently destroying the necessary code.
Odesk has really good translators for cheap as well.

What Cakes said. I've used agencies in past at 8-10 cents a word, but have been combing Odesk looking for top rated translators with hundreds of jobs and hours clocked and saving them for the next translation job I have coming up.

As for implementing the translations, if it's a hard coded site it takes me the better part of a day to insert 6,000-10,000 words across 60 pages or so. With a multilingual WordPress setup it can be a bit faster.
I've translated EWA into a bunch of languages and I can tell you one thing: do not use OneHourTranslation.

Working direct with translators is best. Getting someone pro to do it, then getting a second person to proof it is the way I did it. Certain demographics of my translated copy is still a mess, I'm sure - i'm just tackling them one by one until I finish everything.