Traffric Blasting


New member
Dec 31, 2010
Do I take a risk of getting nuked using a traffic blast service? If not does anyone have a recommendation who to use?

Do I take a risk of getting nuked using a traffic blast service? If not does anyone have a recommendation who to use?

Yes, there will be a risk with a "blast", drip is better, however, if you read the
links section, you will see that tons of guys are doing both and you won't see
many complaints.

Links & SEO

Don't let fear hold you back.

Bompa, I have question for you if you don't mind. The site I was going to blast, I am doing a drip of +1's should I wait to blast after the +1's are done?
No direct blasting of money site.

You want to point those blasts to a buffer site that links to your money site.
Bompa, I have question for you if you don't mind. The site I was going to blast, I am doing a drip of +1's should I wait to blast after the +1's are done?

Based on what you've told me so far, the only reason to wait would be
in order to clearly see the effect of the drip. If you get links from two
different sources at the same time, you won't know which helped, sometimes
that's not really important though.

No direct blasting of money site.

You want to point those blasts to a buffer site that links to your money site.

With all due respect, my JV partner and I did xrumer forum blasts for over
a year right here on WF, probably a million profiles per week. All our
customers blasted direct to their money sites. We never had a problem
until finally we stopped because the forums got watered down with profiles
to the point of complete uselessness.

But anyways, if you considered a link to be "dangerous", don't get it at all,
and certainly don't pay for it. (Personally, I do not consider any link to be

It just doesn't make sense to me to spend time or money on links that are
so "bad", (for whatever superstitious reasons), that they can not be pointed
to the site I most want to rank!

I am certainly not in the favor f traffic blasting tools. These tools gets artificial traffic for your website which never converts into leads and consumes your bandwidth unnecessarily.
Is there a risk of getting my IP banned if I submit a large number of sites from the same place. Also what is the difference between blasting an article and manually submitting to a number of sites?