Traffic requirements

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New member
Sep 25, 2007
I am looking at several markets and I see traffic searches ranging from 300 to 13000 on free wordtracker tools.. what is the minimum requirements that you guys would suggest as the cut-off point? 3000?

You can't really answer that without knowing more about the niches (which you'd be crazy to disclose, of course)... certain things may get loads of traffic and not convert at all, others might get a little bit of focussed traffic and convert really well. There's no cut and dried answer.

Also, test it on a few other tools as well, like the KeywordDiscovery and Wordze tools. And the google adwords tools too. All keyword tools give you extrapolated estimates based on a very limited data set, and extrapolation always gives shot results. So use them as a guide only, and use the results of a few different tools to give you a better picture.
I looked at several markets from golf to travel etc. I was just trying to test possible audience size..I guess several markets I checked showed total searched in 200k range for general one word terms but then it ranges from 300 to 10k on longer tail searches..

I guess I will have to test it and see what makes money..
In addition to what amateursurgeon said about keyword conversion,

Don't just look at the number of searches, look at what sort of competition you have.
You don't want to say, make up a whole site on green widgets, just because you looked up and saw it had 80,000 searches in may. And then when you get done making the site, and not see any traffic because of the 800,000 other sites on green widgets.
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