Traffic Flow Overview

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New member
Mar 1, 2009

I have had to make up some terms here because I am not sure what the accepted terminology is.

I have split clicks that do not guarantee income out as "leads", I am fairly sure that's the terminology in use here.

My question is: Is this basically how you guys organise your campaigns? I am referring to the logical grouping of Traffic Sources, Traffic Destinations and Conversions/Goals and the relationships between them and clicks/leads.

I understand that the exact links shown here (PPC'ing to an Aff purchase page as well as an LP for example) may not make too much sense, it's more to show the ways things could interact

Shit I totally fucked up and put this in the shooting the shit section. Was meant to go in Aff Marketing.

Erm... What should I do?
Congratulations, that's gotta be the most useless chart I've ever seen. But at least it's got colors.
The moment I spotted "ebook" I pretty much scrolled down here to post this, once I'm done typing this I will attempt to use a high-powered flash light in hopes of duplicating the effects of the one used in the movie Men in Black.
Right so fuck you very much

I am writing some tracking software for myself, and before you ask, yes I tried prosper202

This diagram is me trying to get my head around the various complexities of tracking traffic through an affiliate's campaigns/traffic sources.

The specific traffic sources and destinations/goals are examples only.
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