I know by the way it seems that the others around here seem to think that with the right stuff that anything this old thread could offer may be revived for the sake of linking to the old content now in the members area with cost's that exceed the ROI of any affiliated income source meant to help newbies when they come to wickedfire and comment on old dead threads that should have been closed the same way that the sales threads do and could even be hidden in the members only area so these old threads would not pop up and make us think that there was something actually being talked about on this old dead thread that should have died off long ago as it may make sense if the traffic you are getting converts into sales for you otherwise exchanging traffic with website which has an audience which is not your target will just increase your overall traffic with no benefit to you like with anything test traffic sources just because SiteA.com which you trade traffic with doesn't convert doesn't necessarily mean SiteB.com or even SiteZ.com will not give traffic trading is pretty old school but the mommy bloggers are using it left and right as well as the adult industry to be one of the hardest forms of traffic to generate leads from because, simply put, most of it's shit and safelists actually work a little better imo and for that reason i don't even consider traffic exchanges these days as in either case you'll get very low open and ctrs. using safeslits, u can still make it work but u really need to join several safelists if you're gonna go that way, it's very difficult to simply put an offer in front of them and make sales the best use i've found for te or safelist traffic is to just use it to generate subs and have a strong squeeze in the im/mmo niche, build a list, build some trust, and then monetize, pro-tip: the way it seems that the others around here seem to think that with the right stuff that anything this old thread could offer may be revived for the sake of linking to the old content now in the members area with cost's that exceed the ROI of any affiliated income source meant to help newbies when they come to wickedfire and comment on old dead threads that should have been closed the same way that the sales threads do and could even be hidden in the members only area so these old threads would not pop up and make us think that there was something actually being talked about on this old dead thread that should have died off long ago as it may make sense if the traffic you are getting converts into sales for you otherwise exchanging traffic with website which has an audience which is not your target will just increase your overall traffic with no benefit to you like with anything test traffic sources just because SiteA.com which you trade traffic with doesn't convert doesn't necessarily mean SiteB.com or even SiteZ.com will not give traffic trading is pretty old school but the mommy bloggers are using it left and right as well as the adult industry to be one of the hardest forms of traffic to generate leads from because, simply put, most of it's shit and safelists actually work a little better imo and for that reason i don't even consider traffic exchanges these days as in either case you'll get very low open and ctrs. using safeslits, u can still make it work but u really need to join several safelists if you're gonna go that way, it's very difficult to simply put an offer in front of them and make sales the best use i've found for te or safelist traffic is to just use it to generate subs and have a strong squeeze in the im/mmo niche, build a list, build some trust, and then monetize, pro-tip: since most everyone on there is there to generate traffic themselves, a squeeze that offers a report/vid on traffic generation or list building can be effective since most everyone on there is there to generate traffic themselves, a squeeze that offers a report/vid on traffic generation or list building can be effective
Long Live WF :angrysoapbox_sml: