Traffic Dried Up WTF?


Secret Lovers?
Nov 15, 2006
Hey guys i can't figure this out, as of 2pm pst all of a sudden my traffic dried up, no alerts in Adwords, quality score is stil 7,8,9 all ad's are still approved and worse prosper is showing no new traffic either. Any ideas?

Also none of my daily spending limits even close to being hit all google campaigns are set to run till 2011.

Any help would be awesome, thanks! :bowdown:

i dont know the answer yet but I can verify that this is happening to another affiliate I know as well. he described it as they were dayparting his campaigns for no apparent reason.

if i hear a reason i'll letcha know, if anyone else knows - feel free.
Try setting the frequency setting to "as fast as possible" or whatever it's called (in the campaign settings page). That's how you can test the dayparting theory...if that doesn't work it's likely you were slapped.
Same thing happend to me 4 days ago, No payments are going through on the account either, its like the whole thing has frozen.
this is called getting slapped. You have to make a new account with a new credit card and new name then import all your campaigns.
I will have to agree. Sounds like the Big G done slapped you right in the mouf.

Here is the diagram of events:
GOOGLE = Rick James
YOU = Charlie Murphy


Indeed this sucks. Time to grab a new credit card and resubmit.
Have you tried to contact support?

Goto your Billing Preference and check if your credit card still valid?

Are your ads still showing up?

Probably just random account review.

Contact support, you can speed things up.
If the traffic remains gone, then you are under review and getting slapped.

If the traffic comes back and continues to drop off around 2pm, then this might be a yo-yo effect that some people have experienced in the organic listings. Rank number one and get good traffic and then the ranking drops to page five for the afternoon. I haven't seen this in AdWords, but do a search for yo-yo rankings if your traffic is bouncing around.
UPDATE: So i called google and they couldn't tell me what was going on, apparently the rep had to forward it on to "technical support" and she will follow up with me on monday, sounds like they are looking for reasons to slap me, but i'm clean so they can't but i guess they don't like me.

Fuck Google!
I'm betting they suspended you due to what you are promoting.

Without knowing what you are sending to, it's hard to say for sure.
Google needs to die (at least as far as online ads go). Their bloated size has overfilled their egos to the point that they think they're some sort of gods...when in reality the only claim to fame they have is that they found a way to contextually spam their serps and websites, then have people like them for it.

Anyway don't stake your income on AdWords...start looking for other, better sources of traffic. I've been down this road before...multiple times. First time it happened I was relatively new on the web and it nearly killed my business...the best part is they never say anything, even if you ask. You either get the run around or a canned response that offers zero insight.
"Thank you for calling in yesterday to inquire why you weren't seeing your
ads running and why you were having difficulties in having your payment
processed. After our call, I escalated this situation to the appropriate
team for further investigation. They informed me that it has come to our
attention that your Google AdWords accounts do not comply with our terms
of service and advertising policies.
You have repeatedly submitted ads
that lead to very poor quality landing pages. As a result, your accounts
have been suspended and your ads will no longer run on Google."


I did $1.2 mill before getting banned so atleast I made some nice cash, bit fucked off though but Ill get back in the game, too much money to be made to lay down and die.
"Thank you for calling in yesterday to inquire why you weren't seeing your
ads running and why you were having difficulties in having your payment
processed. After our call, I escalated this situation to the appropriate
team for further investigation. They informed me that it has come to our
attention that your Google AdWords accounts do not comply with our terms
of service and advertising policies.
You have repeatedly submitted ads
that lead to very poor quality landing pages. As a result, your accounts
have been suspended and your ads will no longer run on Google."


I did $1.2 mill before getting banned so atleast I made some nice cash, bit fucked off though but Ill get back in the game, too much money to be made to lay down and die.

I got banned and they gave me the same EXACT response you got. Its such a bullshit reason.
Nah, just don't run on Google, there are plenty of other sources to run on. Once their shares drop a shitload, they'll lighten up.