Trademark Domain Exact Match .org 550,000g 450,000L - worth anything?


New member
Feb 12, 2010
I have a exact match trademark name - worth anything? Because if it is should I just put into BST section? The domain is hyphenated as are the exact searches.

Hyphenated Exact Trademark name with .org extension.
Many people naturally hyphenate the name when typing it.

"cc-ccc" exact match - 550,000 global & 450,000 local (US) $0.90 CPC.
"cc ccc" exact match - 550,000 global & 450,000 local (US) $0.90 CPC.

Just for the record CCCCC without space or hyphen - 2.7M global and 1.8M local exact match $1.12cpc.

No ads running on google for any of these searches.

Hi Mate

It may be worth a lot for SEO value

But the owner has the risk of the domain being taken from them by law

I am thinking of developing it as a non competitive niche.

Developing the site around an alternative explanation of the title. The trademark could be arguably be designed around a parody or another definition. It's not a trademark like Google or Acer that have a singular definition more like a combination of two short words or abreviations that on their own can have alternative definitions. For example Shell can be Shell Oil or a Sea Shell - OK crappy example but you get my point.

Probably should just post it on Flippa or somewhere to see if anyone wants to buy it.
I have developed domain similar to mentioned about and it ranks quite well and makes me quite a lot of money but problem is that I don't know how long I'll be able to keep it... I'm just waiting to get email from trademark's lawyers :D But I'll enjoy it while it last :D