Tracking202 - wtf?


Aug 12, 2008
Great Britain
I've been using T202 for a few weeks and this shit is full of bugs, is the hosted version the same?

Aside from getting "Gateway Time-out" about 10% of the time I try to grab stats, some of my older campaigns stats are now completely unretrievable and other times I try and grab stats it grabs the wrong campaign. Just unusable. Also when I add a campaign sometimes it won't appear in the Get Text Ad Code drop down for hours.

I feel like it must be me because no one else seems to complain about it. :confused:

The self hosted version is just fine, security can be a issue sometimes if there's a bug/hole in the program (usually they'll tell you to update in those cases).

I haven't had any problems with p202 on my dedi , other than a few down times for the server itself, it's been the greatest piece of software (outside of WP) that i've not paid for :)
, is the hosted version the same?

sounds like you were using the self hosted (p202)

when you say "hosted" we are all thinking (t202)

I do see "Gateway Time-out" on the hosted (t202) but i just refresh the page then its fine.

On the self hosted (p202) everything is smooth. never seen "Gateway Time-out" or any thing of that sort.
I've been using T202 for a few weeks and this shit is full of bugs, is the hosted version the same?

Aside from getting "Gateway Time-out" about 10% of the time I try to grab stats, some of my older campaigns stats are now completely unretrievable and other times I try and grab stats it grabs the wrong campaign. Just unusable. Also when I add a campaign sometimes it won't appear in the Get Text Ad Code drop down for hours.

I feel like it must be me because no one else seems to complain about it. :confused:

We've aware of some of the issues and we've been working on trying to fix it. The best solution is though to use the self-hosted version and you won't run into any of theses issues. The primary issue is because there are so many users and our reporting servers have been overloaded, we need to add some new ones in soon. When they get slow the reports show that time-out error, the tracking is still up, it's just the reporting that is timing out.
I tried to download the self hosted prosper202 yesterday and the zip file is messed up. It won't unzip on linux, and when I unzip it on OS X then copy the files over it's complaining that 202-config/functions.php has an unexpected $end.

Can someone email me the zip file please, or maybe I'm not the only one?!? I posted in the prosper202 forums and emailed also.
We've aware of some of the issues and we've been working on trying to fix it. The best solution is though to use the self-hosted version and you won't run into any of theses issues. The primary issue is because there are so many users and our reporting servers have been overloaded, we need to add some new ones in soon. When they get slow the reports show that time-out error, the tracking is still up, it's just the reporting that is timing out.

Ok cool no problem :)