Tracking202 wont generate tracking links


New member
Apr 29, 2010
Whatup everyone. So introduced my buddy to AM about a month ago and now that its summer I've been showing him everything he needs to get started. I'm at his house right now and I'm helping him launch his first campaign and I'm trying to run him through t202 as well. Steps 1-5 of the202 campaign setup are going fine, but the problem is with step 6. When I click "generate tracking link" it's giving me the main javascript lp code and the outbound PHP redirect, but it wont give me the 2nd one it usually does for the lp outbound tracking affiliate url. I have him setup with a single lp thats running 2 diff offers on the same page so we are working with an advanced landing page. Ive tried it a hundred times now and it still wont give me the actual affiliate urls for the lp like that it usually does. However, when I try just making a simple lp it will give me all 3 codes. It's late and I worked a double today so I'm not sure if I'm losing my mind here or if something really is wrong. I have a feeling I'm making a dumbass mistake here... Any help is appreciated as I'm trying to get my friend started with this asap so we can move out soon :D

This has happened to me on occasion. Normally logging out, logging back in and regenerating the link works.

I notice it occurred whenever I inputted new offers and immediately proceeded to generate the LP links. If they were offers I already had in, I never had the problem.
Yeah i woke up this morning and felt like a dumbass advanced doesnt gen the 2nd code just the php outbound