tracking not working, but media buy's cooking

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On My Path To Mastery
Dec 7, 2008
los angeles
hey guys, I thought i'd post this cause i always get good ideas from posting random shit here.

I'm doing a media buy and im spending like a motherfucker, and it's getting some leads but not that many, so i need to optimize stat! the problem is that I can't track this shit.

I don't know what else to do, the pixels are supposedly placed and the media buy company says that tracking is fine on their end.

Any ideas??? Is there a way to use t202 so it can insert a sub id automatically to know which site the lead came from?

any input/ solutions you guys can think of is appreciated.


you could segment the 202 traffic by ppc network if its multiple networks, but 202 can also track referers..

lol@flying blind on media buys.
the problem is that I can't track this shit.

I don't know what else to do, the pixels are supposedly placed and the media buy company says that tracking is fine on their end.

Any ideas??? Is there a way to use t202 so it can insert a sub id automatically to know which site the lead came from?

any input/ solutions you guys can think of is appreciated.


This is why you need your own ad server. Different tags for each placement/category, etc.

Ad Network traffic is (for the most part) completely cloaked. If it wasn't you wouldn't need them and could go buy direct. If you find a way to uncover all of the referrers, keep it to yourself, you can make $100 million.

I don't know what else to do, the pixels are supposedly placed and the media buy company says that tracking is fine on their end

I have a bridge for sale if you're interested.
This is why you need your own ad server. Different tags for each placement/category, etc.

Ad Network traffic is (for the most part) completely cloaked. If it wasn't you wouldn't need them and could go buy direct. If you find a way to uncover all of the referrers, keep it to yourself, you can make $100 million.

I have a bridge for sale if you're interested.

That's funny ==> I have a bridge for sale if you're interested
Please clarify. So you're working with a media buy company? Did they give you a conversion pixel? If so is it firing for them? If it isn't get your network to look into it. If it is they should have conversion stats on their side and be opimtizing out your campaign. PM me if you have questions I can probably help yah.
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