Tracking ID with clickbank and other ad networks.

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New member
Jun 26, 2008
Denver, CO
Hello. I'm new to affiliate marketing. Can somebody please explain better how to use TID's for campaigns that are provided by ad networks like Commission Junction, Azoogle, Clickbank? For example, when I click "get hoplink" in Clickbank, I enter my username and it gives me my affiliate id but it also says "enter tid (if I have one or optional)." It shows an example that explains how you have to replace "xxxxx" in clickbank's tid for this to work. How exactly do I go about getting my tracking id to work in clickbank so I can track my converting kw's?

Also, where would I use this tracking id once I had it? Google's desination url in my ads or on my landing page once I link my customer to my affiliate's offer page?

If you have multiple sites, like, and, you can use tracking IDs to know which site sent the traffic to the affiliate site that made a sale.

That video definitely explains sub id's better than any other source I've found online. Thanks for the info. See, this is why I posted as many questions as I did. And now, I have all the answers. Watch out super affiliates. JK.
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