Tracking: Does the first affiliate get the sale or the last?

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New member
Jan 1, 2007
If I send a visitor to offer X today, and you send the same visitor to the same offer tomorrow and they convert after you sent them, who gets credit for the sale?

My guess is that with networks that use cookies for tracking I would get the sale, but I wanted to confirm.

How would it work with the networks that don't use cookies?

99% - I don't think so. I would just try your offer out. It isn't that hard to test.
The last person who sent the lead should be credited. If they aren't then it is likely that the merchant has set something up incorrectly. With a good QC team in place, the network should be able to spot this pretty quick.
Ok, I've asked some other people in the industry who's opinion I value and here's the response I got:

1. DirectTrack counts the first visitor as the sale
2. All other networks: it depends (each network is different)
Mostly last affiliate will get the sale.

The first affiliate will set the affiliate id in a cookie on user's computer. But, the last affiliate will overwrite the cookie and set new affiliate id because cookie mechanism and variable used is same.
I use 2 big programs and that isn't true. The first affiliate (within a time frame) gets the sale.

One of them is pretty weird because their tracking gives me the referal for other people's campaigns because it came under my initial cookie. That could be some nice information too, except I'm sure it works the other way too.
Which you would rather have occur? I suppose I can see it from both sides. The first affiliate is the one that got them interested in the product in the first place, however it could be that the second affiliates landing page, or the way they promoted the offer could have sealed the deal. So it's tough to judge, I've never really though about whether I was the first or last person to put the offer in their face.
Ok, I've asked some other people in the industry who's opinion I value and here's the response I got:

1. DirectTrack counts the first visitor as the sale
2. All other networks: it depends (each network is different)

DirectTrack defaults to last cookie dropped but the network can modify this to first cookie dropped, depending on how the advertiser wants to pay out.

It is very rare for any network, DirectTrack or not, to pay on first cookie dropped.
It's rare that the first affiliate will get credit because the cookie is overwritten by the second affiliate...even if its a 7, 30, 60 day cookie from the first. There are some networks that will give credit to the first but not many that I know of.
Ok, I've asked some other people in the industry who's opinion I value and here's the response I got:

1. DirectTrack counts the first visitor as the sale
2. All other networks: it depends (each network is different)

How would it have anything to do with someone's opinion? Just test it out and get facts.
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