Tracking Content Network and Direct Linking


New member
Sep 28, 2009
Hey Guys!

I have checked out a lot of stuff about content network/ tracking. However, I haven't been able to resolve the problem for a couple of days now.

So I wanted to drop you a quick question:

I want to track a direct linking campaign for Clickbank on content network in adwords. I have adgroups with 50 keywords each and I want to know which adgroup did the conversion, and if possible which keyword (if that is possible on content). Furthermore, I would like to know the referrer (but I think this works fine).

So, I need to know, what I need to know which tracking variable I need to attach to the end of my tracking202 link:

I am really confused.
by the way, this is for tracking202. So far, I have tried the last version and just {keyword}. I have been getting conversion, but I couldn't really track them. When I went to the tab "Analyze" --> "Keyword" then instead of the keywords, adgroups or whatever (see! I AM confused), I would get a url, which I did not bid on. So, I assume it is the referrer.... how do I find out what adgroup or keyword are my converting ones? I am flying blind and blowing through by budget ...Really need your help!

Many thanks, and sorry this is soooo long. Just wanted to make sure I am detailed and clear.

greetings from hamburg

With content, the keyword will sometimes return the keyword and other times the referrer. What you want to do is track at the adgroup level. To do that you could try something like:


The {keyword} variable is not so useful with the content network.

This way when you look up keywords, your looking at adgroup performance.
thanks a lot for the reply!

so instead "{keyword}" i put in "adgroupname" not "{adgroupname} or anything else?

