Tracking Affiliate Leads with 1Shopping Cart?


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Dec 22, 2009
Albany Plantation
I've got a person who wants to achieve following:

She sells an online/offline course. She has few affiliates who will send promo email to their email lists to advertise a webinar. If someone clicks aff link in this email she/he will be sent to squeeze page. From that squaeeze page people will be able to sign up for free webinar.

This squeeze page will capture name+email of the person and should track what people have signed up from which affiliate. (perhaps some integration with MailChimp?)

Commission will be paid up only if the person who attended a webinar buys online/offline course later on.

Now, someone told her it all can be done easily with 1ShoppingCart...

Do you think it is possible/easy?

It sounds fishy to me, in the past she was ill-advised on several issues and looks to me it will be easier to go for a custom solution.

If you could point me to alternative, better solution (some affiliate system) I would appreciate it greatly.

If you think it can be really done with 1ShoppingCart then any tutorial would be welcomed.

Thanks for reading.

Step 1: Give each affiliate their own link ex. http:// www. site. com/?source=PutAffiliateNameHere

Step 2: Make an extra form field so if you collect: Name & Email, now also collect a field called Source

Step 3: On your landing page, change the code in the form for Source

value="<?php echo $_GET['source']; ?>"

Now the emails are attached to where they came from and if they buy offline she can look up the email and see who it came from.

The end!
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Step 1: Give each affiliate their own link ex. http:// www. site. com/?source=PutAffiliateNameHere

Step 2: Make an extra form field so if you collect: Name & Email, now also collect a field called Source

Step 3: On your landing page, change the code in the form for Source

value="<?php echo $_GET['source']; ?>"

Now the emails are attached to where they came from and if they buy offline she can look up the email and see who it came from.

The end!

Yes, that's great and pretty much what I though, thanks for that. But she needs some cookie then to be set... because what she wants is to pay per sale not lead. So if someone signs up for webinar he should have cookie on his computer so if he buys "course" the affiliate who sent him will get his commission. Don't know if it makes any sense, sounds kind of retarded.
Ahh, I read quickly, I thought the purchases were happening offline. Two Ideas to proceed then.

1. If you want to mess around with some PHP there are a handful of ways to accomplish this task. But general logic is you do the link the same way I showed in example above, but instead of populate the value field of a registration, you will set a cookie there with the source variable. Then on the purchase success page, you will check for a cookie, if present, you will store the source to a database. Then you will have a list of conversion purchases with source information.

2. Use postaffiliatepro, effectus, hasoffers, or any other affiliate tracking system. In the system you will set the landing page, and the system will give you links for each affiliate and a pixel code. You put the pixel code on the purchase success page and you give each affiliate the link.
2. Use postaffiliatepro, effectus, hasoffers, or any other affiliate tracking system. In the system you will set the landing page, and the system will give you links for each affiliate and a pixel code. You put the pixel code on the purchase success page and you give each affiliate the link.

Just use this one. Your link drops the cookie on them and then just place the pixel on the thank you page. Once they convert the pixel will fire. Simple as that.