Totally Cool Wordpress 'Category Page' hack (SEO, internal linking, dupe content...)

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Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
for the coders this may seem like a no-brainer but I have been searching for like ages to find a solution to this, and I've got to give credit to JTPratt's blog for the solution.

Have you ever wanted a category page that really acts like a page, plus with the idea of having each category "page" link back to the homepage for better internal linking seo, or indexing or less duple content? This is a workable solution:

1) Use "The Top Level Categories" plugin - this basically makes it so each category looks like a real page i.e no


(like how regular pages look)

(the folks at themezoom apparently have done some testing and they think G gives more weight to categories which are treated like silos vs. pages, i.e. you have a whole folder on blue-widgets vs. one html page, i.e. blue-widgets.html (by the way they have also tested and have discovered that blue-widgets.html gets treated like two words vs. blue_widgets.html i.e. you could show up for "blue" or "widgets" conceivably for the first not the second)

2) Add a category description

3) in archives.php or category.php under themes, look for this:

<?php /* If this is a category archive */ if (is_category()) { ?>
<h2 class="pagetitle">Archive for the '<?php echo single_cat_title();
<?php echo category_description(); ?>

In the description you can use html and add a summary, links (I link back to the main page so for example if the site is about "widgets" you can have the red widgets page link back to the homepage with "red widgets", same for the blue, the green, etc...when the spider comes around the silo-ing really helps as it knows that your site is all about widgets based on the themes/categories/silos + internal links)

Anyway, like I said, this may be a no-brainer for coders but for the non coders, this description really helps.

I found it surfing JT Pratt's blog page on wordpress category pages (link for props to him :xmas-smiley-016:

oh the other main benefit is that one can do link building to the category pages which will be changing over time (as you add content) but can still maintain its' central theme due to the the way you've laid out the category description that will appear at the top....

Themezoom, wtf? It may be just me, but isn't what they sell and call a "silo" nothing more, but far less than your standard Wordpress install with category pages? This sounds too much like a poor marketing spin for a ridiculous program that costs $1000 in membership fees per month (I'm not kidding, have you seen their signup page?)

I may not have completely understood what they are trying to sell, which may be because of all the typos in their "sales copy", all the marketing fluff, and the making up words for the sake of marketing.

"Search Engine Proven Synonyms (SEPS)", as well as "TRI", with a fancy TM appended to it, are just that. Tip - you can slap a TM on anything you like, it doesn't have to be registered.

I didn't watch the entire video on ThemeZoom - Home, but from what I saw from the first 2 extremely boring minutes, they made it far more complicated with all those arrows pointing everywhere than it has to be - and that on purpose, without mentioning anything of significance. Don't fall for someone trying to make it more complicated than it really is, only to justify a ridiculous monthly fee for a pile of bs. That's just a marketing technique, and in this case, rather poorly executed.

I remember your earlier post on WF about how to use pages with their own, separate navigational elements. I'm still wondering why you want to do that with pages instead of posts.

- you can have 1 navigation bar in index.php which only displays on the homepage and only lists the categories
- on the category page (archive.php), you can list all posts contained in a category and format it as a menu
- you can display this category menu on the sidebar of every page (single.php or sidebar.php), and make it only list the other posts in the current category, along with a link back to the category page for that post

This is what I would really recommend you do, provided I understand what you're trying to do correctly. If you're worried about coding and PHP, just say so and you will get all help you need in this forum (but not only here), and I (and many others) would be happy to give you a hand and point you in the right direction.

Anf finally, can you explain to me what exactly this means?

(the folks at themezoom apparently have done some testing and they think G gives more weight to categories which are treated like silos vs. pages, i.e. you have a whole folder on blue-widgets vs. one html page, i.e. blue-widgets.html (by the way they have also tested and have discovered that blue-widgets.html gets treated like two words vs. blue_widgets.html i.e. you could show up for "blue" or "widgets" conceivably for the first not the second)

No offense, but it seems to me that you are only repeating their marketing blah without questioning it. I fail to see any meaning in this - other than a silo, per their own definition, displaying a list instead of posts with excerpt. That's one line of code in Wordpress, and costs exactly $1000 less than what they charge.
I've never seen themezoom up until now, but here's a list of phrases that I managed to find on their website, and what I think they mean (in brackets):

- SEO inbound link relational competitive data (Number of backlinks)
- TRI Silo Blueprint Technology (This is literally a series of words, joined together but connected by nothing)
- Buoyant Page Rank Value (PageRank)
- Content Decision Making Processes (These are words that they thought looked good next to each other)

Ok, I've just noticed this:

"ThemeZoom is revolutionary and unique because it generates massive targeted keyword lists based on Search Engine Proven Synonyms (SEPS), which are not derived from the Thesaurus but through Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) inspired principles, a newly emerging technology that allows for an unprecedented depth of market research."

(They run your keywords through Google Sets)
Themezoom/Krakken is the shit. Actually I hesitated by mentioning their name 'cause the less people know about them the better. If you've ever read about Fortune Interactive's proprietary system (you can do a site: search on seomoz about it ) it's similar to theirs - only 1,000 times better. Unfortunately they are closed now. I need to start hitting some old ladies over the head to come up with the case to start paying them when they open back up (lol). Seriously, it is that good....

@illdave, saying they run stuff through google sets it's like saying Hawkings and Einstein ran experiments with those kiddy scientific sets you got as a kid, lol
Themezoom, wtf? It may be just me, but isn't what they sell and call a "silo" nothing more, but far less than your standard Wordpress install with category pages? This sounds too much like a poor marketing spin for a ridiculous program that costs $1000 in membership fees per month (I'm not kidding, have you seen their signup page?)

I may not have completely understood what they are trying to sell, which may be because of all the typos in their "sales copy", all the marketing fluff, and the making up words for the sake of marketing.

"Search Engine Proven Synonyms (SEPS)", as well as "TRI", with a fancy TM appended to it, are just that. Tip - you can slap a TM on anything you like, it doesn't have to be registered.

I didn't watch the entire video on ThemeZoom - Home, but from what I saw from the first 2 extremely boring minutes, they made it far more complicated with all those arrows pointing everywhere than it has to be - and that on purpose, without mentioning anything of significance. Don't fall for someone trying to make it more complicated than it really is, only to justify a ridiculous monthly fee for a pile of bs. That's just a marketing technique, and in this case, rather poorly executed.

I remember your earlier post on WF about how to use pages with their own, separate navigational elements. I'm still wondering why you want to do that with pages instead of posts.

- you can have 1 navigation bar in index.php which only displays on the homepage and only lists the categories
- on the category page (archive.php), you can list all posts contained in a category and format it as a menu
- you can display this category menu on the sidebar of every page (single.php or sidebar.php), and make it only list the other posts in the current category, along with a link back to the category page for that post

This is what I would really recommend you do, provided I understand what you're trying to do correctly. If you're worried about coding and PHP, just say so and you will get all help you need in this forum (but not only here), and I (and many others) would be happy to give you a hand and point you in the right direction.

Anf finally, can you explain to me what exactly this means?

No offense, but it seems to me that you are only repeating their marketing blah without questioning it. I fail to see any meaning in this - other than a silo, per their own definition, displaying a list instead of posts with excerpt. That's one line of code in Wordpress, and costs exactly $1000 less than what they charge.

Uh, you are wasting words here. I made a simple post about using categories more effectively. I am not affiliated with them in anyway. If you don't know the value of it or don't care to use it - fine. If you are intellectually curious, head over to SEOMOz and do some reading. After I hit send on this I'm going to edit out their name on the original post....
PS - the edit button is gone. I if I seem a bit edgy it's because I hate it when people try to share useful VALUABLE info and others act like there's some alterior motive to it....
PPS - further:
1) I didn't give any link to TZ, I merely mentioned their name
2) I DID give a link to JTPratt's blog which gives good advice and is absolutely free? @bobsoap - NOW THAT I'VE SEEN YOUR SIG are YOU trying to selling something?! geez
Do you have something fucking productive to add or what? This is the last time I'm going to say anything about this:

1) I found something useful
2) I attempted to share it
3) end of story

Don't impugn my integrity or question my motives because I don't fucking like it. PERIOD.

Anyone one who values their integrity will understand this. You don't know anything about me or my interest in sharing useful valuable knowledge.

If you have any questions about this, send some PMs to some of the most respected VALUABLE, GENEROUS members of this community who have received random, useful info from me whether it was an gift certificate to grab a book I had found useful, invitations to private betas or the email addresses of potential investors. Or, brainstorming about getting some WF members together to make a donation to a worthy nonprofit or whatever....the list goes on...

The conversation is over now.
riddarhusetgal, you really seem a bit edgy. If you read over my post again, I was not attacking you, but Themezoom. I didn't at any time say anything about you being affiliated with them, nor did I ever think that. This is why I wrote

Don't fall for someone trying to make it more complicated than it really is, only to justify a ridiculous monthly fee for a pile of bs.

What I mean by this, dear riddarhusetgal, is this:

Don't fall for someone trying to make it more complicated than it really is, only to justify a ridiculous monthly fee for a pile of bs.

Get it?

And I don't know how my design work is even remotely related to a membership SEO program, or how you manage to think that I want to sell you something. I told you here,

If you're worried about coding and PHP, just say so and you will get all help you need in this forum (but not only here), and I (and many others) would be happy to give you a hand and point you in the right direction.

What do I mean by this? Well, do you want me to copy-paste the exact line again?

You gotta get your head out of your ass and lose that stick in your back. I was trying to help, man.

Merry Christmas.
Although not appropriate or necessary for most sites, I have actually found this to be extremely effective in certain scenarios from an SEO standpoint.

ThemeZoom said:
Extract your most profitable keyword clusters.
Patent pending TRI Silo Blueprint Technology.
SEO inbound link relational competitive data.
Missed opportunity keyword ranking matrix.
Automated article theme selection matrix.
Statistically improbable phrases for articles.
Total Search Market Value Vertical Indicator.

It's genius to make up BS anacronyms and phrases. If someone google searches it you show up first and no one else has any info.

Plus everyone you talk to you know is a noobie and you can treat them as such.

Plus I wouldnt install a bunch of plugins and pay subscriptions to talior my categories. I would just concentrate on the post pages with related posts and outlaw all the categories to concentrate my PR. I usually have a lot of categories.
In general minor changes to WP as described in the OP are pretty much useless for SEO. G's pretty adept at indexing WP the way G wants to index WP sites. Playing shell games with presentation of categories and tags is probably more likely to hurt than help.

If you want to try something along those lines with WP a static get method navigation form with appropriate options and labels can yield interesting and useful results.
Wow, only just noticed how this thread turned out. Riddar - no-one was attacking you, we were attacking ThemeZoom - your advice was solid, I always try to turn my categories into actual content-rich pages that are likely to rank well, and using top level categories is a decent way of doing it.

ThemeZoom on the other hand look like they're making up a shitload of acronyms and completely bullshit phrases in order to confuse people. Sure, they might know their shit but from the outside it looks unlikely. It looks like they've just taken regular metrics, like PageRank, merged it with some other insignificant metric and called it the "floating variable mixed Page Rank matrix". S'all I'm saying. Also they describe Latent Semantic Indexing as being a new technology, when it's been around for years.

Anyway, thanks for the category level advice for wordpress - it's actually really useful.

In general minor changes to WP as described in the OP are pretty much useless for SEO. G's pretty adept at indexing WP the way G wants to index WP sites. Playing shell games with presentation of categories and tags is probably more likely to hurt than help.

And chemicaljake - that's not really true, you can adjust Wordpress so much that it doesn't look like Wordpress, and believe me it can make a metric fuckton of a difference.
ThemeZoom is full of alot of useless acronyms thats due to one of the owners being a huge NLP guy and he just loves his acronyms. I have been a user of TZ for quite awhile and know the owners personally and all i can say is if you can look past all the crazy acronyms at the actual software, youll be very suprised.

What their software does is way ahead of the curve, and it has made me alot of money so far.
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