Top ISPs Agree to Become Copyright Cops

Benefits people who leverage copyrights... i.e. most of the people here I'd imagine.
Benefits people who leverage copyrights... i.e. most of the people here I'd imagine.

Most people here will benefit by offering ways around it, or will figure out ways around it. The average joe on the other hand is going to get screwed sideways
But how much do you think Verizon, Comcast, etc.. are really going to enforce this? It makes them no money, and cost them money. I think this is something that they couldn't say no for a PR point of view, but I highly doubt that they will all enforce it.
I just read this article proving my point.

Should you fear new ISP copyright enforcers?

"I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that the ISPs are under tremendous pressure and that's why they're knuckling under," McSherry said. "But their first loyalty should be to their subscribers. Not Hollywood.
"At the end of the day," McSherry said, "this is unlikely to accomplish much. All it will do is intimidate a lot of lawful users. Are we going to see the end of online infringement? I doubt that very much. It will be more valuable for the White House, ISPs and Hollywood if they found better ways to getting artists paid instead of focusing on punishment."
Most people here will benefit by offering ways around it, or will figure out ways around it. The average joe on the other hand is going to get screwed sideways

I meant that publishers can benefit from ISPs taking copyright stuff more seriously.

Anyone who (legitimately) makes money on intellectual / virtual property
But how much do you think Verizon, Comcast, etc.. are really going to enforce this? It makes them no money, and cost them money. I think this is something that they couldn't say no for a PR point of view, but I highly doubt that they will all enforce it.

What's to stop the movie studio/record companies from offering a bounty? But then again it would be a pretty big investment for them to build an entire division dedicated to policing this.