Top Earning Keywords (List)

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New member
Feb 12, 2007
Hey all, i'm new here so I thought I would start off offering something of value...

It's this product Keyword EXPLOSION - The best keyword research list online! which I bought not too long ago and have got my use out of it. Mind as well share now with people who could probably also make use of it.

I'll make available the LIST 2: The top 10,000 paying keywords.

You can download it here: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

I have the others:
LIST 1: All 2,389,040 keywords in one huge spreadsheet.
LIST 3: A list of all 2 keyword phrases.
LIST 4: A list of all 3 keyword phrases.
LIST 5: A list of the 17,119 markets encompassed by the 2.4 million keywords.

let me know if you guys want the rest
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all the keywords are in one column, separated by comma
how do i get them into separate columns (yop i suck at excel)

edit: nevermind, figured it out..
Nice of you to post this list, however, it is commonly circulated. A simply google search for high paying AdSense terms will bring up the same thing. Now if you post your other lists, that might be of value.
Great, now WF is drawing in the other WF members.... Go back to your own WF as this one is taken.....
This post is BS. If Jescro wants to prove me wrong, he will post all 5 of the keywords lists directly to this thread. Otherwise it is simply a thread trying to sell something.
Everyone knows about all these keywords. Lots of competition so expect to pay a lot using them for PPC.
for arb even highly competive terms can still bring in some $$ - i don't mind making $1/day off of only one click for a page if it only cost me .03 cents.
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