Top Affiliate Challenge Is Better Than Affiliate Summit

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You Gonna Get Raped
Feb 19, 2008
So speaketh Shitmonkey.

What an absolute moron - it's one thing to be a sore loser about being part of a shit show, it's entirely another thing to go criticising a guy who busts his balls to put on decent conferences (Shawn Collins).

To think I was once though Shoemoney had some class. :repuke:

This guy is calling Collins a hustler when he pushed leads for a service that most people didn't even know they were paying monthly for?

Ok, First I would like to say I have nothing against Shoemoney YET. Honestly though WTF is up with his ass sucking cronies on that BLOG I almost yucked on my screen.

I think TAC in theory was neat. Maybe a better budget and something people can actually use would be nice.
"I’ve watched the first two episodes, and I was underwhelmed by them. According to co-host Monica Durazo, the gurus can teach you more in 15 minutes than you can learn in 15 years online."

WTF? Did she really say that?
"I’ve watched the first two episodes, and I was underwhelmed by them. According to co-host Monica Durazo, the gurus can teach you more in 15 minutes than you can learn in 15 years online."

WTF? Did she really say that?
Yeah, that's what was said. However, since this was supposed to be a "reality show", 99% of what's said is intentionally bloated hyperbole just like what's said on reality shows on TV. Example: how often does the word "love" get thrown around. I guess it makes for better viewing.

I'll admit that I only watched portions of a few episodes, but I have to wonder who was supposed to be the target audience of TAC? I can't see how they expected their audience to be casual web surfers as I don't believe affiliate marketing is entertaining enough to keep an audience (especially when a 40 minute episode has 20+ minutes of one-on-one interviews), there wasn't enough drama in the show, and casual web surfers will compare the production value of the show with other TV based reality shows and scream "FAIL"!

I can't see how they expected their audience to be experienced affiliate marketers either. Experienced people aren't going to take 40 minutes each day to watch such a show as they're too busy making money. Neither do they want to watch a bunch of (relative) noobs - they get enough of that on msg boards. Also, repeatedly seeing a whole team get daily results of $0 makes experienced people scream "FAIL"!

If TAC wasn't to succeed in the future, I'd say they need to define their target audience and then refine to show to please that target audience. They'll never succeed if they don't.
Shawn's video is not exactly brutal at all. Shawn put everything in pretty nice terms. Shoe didn't want to link to the video because he knew it wasn't that bad and people would be like WTF shoe.

Big fucking donkey ass.
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