Top 5 necessities?

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New member
Jan 28, 2009
Canton, Ohio
Hey guys, I am sure that you have all thought about this question many many times. I'm looking for some input to compile a list of the most important things to an affiliates back end on a network. What are the top 5 things you look for, that are in the affiliates interface that you absolutely must have to run offers on that network?

I'd love a bulleted list from as many people as I can get input wise.

  • Text. I won't run ads from a network if their backend is composed entirely of pictures.
  • Graphs. I don't have to know what they mean, but damn I love me some line graphs.
  • Acai Burriez. I refuse to work with a network that doesn't have at least two full pages of Acai berry offers.
  • A picture of my affiliate manager. If he looks like a pedo, I won't work with him.
  • Email spam. Not really on the backend interface, but unless a network emails me at least 10 times per day, I know they're not serious.
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