Top 10 Reasons Why the Mafia is Better than the State


Mr. Meseeks
Feb 12, 2008
New Peekamoose
[ame=""]Top 10 Reasons Why the Mafia is Better than the State - YouTube[/ame]

Saw this video posted somewhere today and got a kick out of it, not sure if it's been posted here. Couldn't find it in any searches.

Worth a second view anyways.

She's assuming the mafia leader has a good sense of business. This has not always been the case. I'm pretty sure in the long run only mafia with good business sense stay on top, but in the meantime there can be plenty of "collateral".

Read McMafia. It's amazing how quickly privatised security emerges in times of chaos and how they give quite good security to ordinary people.

I 100% agree that the scaremongering against anarchy is actually bullshit, "police" services can actually exist privately.
She's assuming the mafia leader has a good sense of business. This has not always been the case. I'm pretty sure in the long run only mafia with good business sense stay on top, but in the meantime there can be plenty of "collateral".

The consequence of poor decisions in the black market don't generally give you an opportunity to learn from your mistakes. Neither do poor decisions in government. You can't learn from a mistake if it kills you, and you can't learn from a mistake if you never admit you made one.

The black market thrives on force and strategy.

The free market thrives on trial and error.

Government thrives on force and ignorance.

Which one is going to kill more people? Government. Not just because it's like a scaled up version of the mafia. Government always believes its doing the right thing, even if its hemorrhaging money and killing by the thousands.
That is bunch of gibberish. Colombia and Mexico is mostly run by mafia. Look how they turned out.
That is bunch of gibberish. Colombia and Mexico is mostly run by mafia. Look how they turned out.

When you have a prohibited product that brings in billions of dollars each month, it's an inevitability.

We like to pretend that if tobacco was criminalized, the result would be a healthier country with less cancer. The real result would be more violence, more money to the mafia, and a negligible drop in cancer cases (if at all).

Any average drop in cancer would be hailed a success by advocates of tobacco prohibition. Others would point out that cancer cases were already dropping, and they would be ignored. (In the U.S cancer cases are decreasing, worldwide they are increasing)

People wouldn't quit smoking, why would they? It's simply no longer convenient to buy cigarettes. It's not like its already inconvenient to smoke them, they are banned from just about everywhere but home.

In other words, poor decisions by government cause those problems. You don't see violent sugar cartels, banana cartels, or coffee cartels. If these cartels are so powerful, why aren't they taking over these industries? Because it would be legal to compete with them. Cartels aren't going to get into a business where they would be faced with hundreds of rivals.

Just like my last post, if you can't admit a mistake, you won't learn from it. We have historical proof that more prohibition results in violence, and we ignore it because we keep doubling down on ignorance.