Tool to set your Adwords keywords to Exact and Phrase matches

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I wonder if he is logging every visit and dumping all these 'pre-selected' keyword lists to his own personal database. Could be a gold mine.

Nah, people with 'golden' keyword lists have/build their own tools...
If changing to broad/exact/phrase match is all you want, in can be done with under 10 lines of PHP. Just echo the form (this is the part im too lazy to do right now) and explode the text by \n. Then just parse it.
OverZone Software - PPC Keyword Generator <-- this one is free and non-web based, so can't really log your shit. And it does a bunch of other cool shit too

I'm using it and I'm I love it (they could anyway try to log everything, it would be interesting to run this software on a computer with zone alarm or a such configurable firewall to see if anything is actually sent over the network)
great tool anyway
you can use it even for domains ;)
you have a list of hot keywords like someone wrote in a thread like
order etc etc

then in the second column you put the product name and variations
in the third the extension you're interested into like
.us etc
you generate the keywords and there you go, you have a list of domains to paste into any bulk registration form such as namecheap's bulk reg tool
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