Tool for checking particular links to your site


3 what?!?
Aug 25, 2010
In addition to organic traffic, I've also started branching out with some paid ads, etc on many of my sites. It's become a PITA to monitor all these links manually and make sure that, 3 months later, that site that I paid for a year of advertising on still has my link up.

Is there a tool out that will allow me to put in a list of sites, as well as which of my sites they should be linking back to, that will tell me if those links go away.

Maybe something that just has a list of all the sites and then if someone breaks their link to me it would turn red and be like "this mother fucker isn't linking to you anymore".

Sure, those tools are called "backlink tools"... I wrote my own backlink monitor and I am able to write one for you but I guess there are some free ones out there.

Just google or contact me :)